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The scene then opened up to a lot of disabled Panzer IVs and IIIs sitting in a muddy field, with 2 or 3 M4A1 Shermans immobilized as they were disabled and unable to move or continue. However, there is one Sherman that hasn't been hit from the previous combat. Inside that Sherman, the loader is working on the wires that went haywire during the combat, trying to connect the two wires to get the engine working. The driver, gunner, and machine gunner rest as they wait for the tank to get working.

"Is it fixed yet?" the driver spoke up.

"No, it ain't..." the loader of the tank said as he then gets shocked by the wires. "Son of a Bitch!" he yelled.

"Do you think the boys from Kansas finally withdrew their tanks?" the machine gunner asked.

"Nope, Commander Houston should be back soon..." the gunner said, sitting in his seat reading his sports magazines.

"Yeah, let's hope so," the loader said, still working on the wires.

Speaking of Houston, it shows him sitting outside his Sherman with the name on the side of the tank calling it 'Lone Star.' Houston is sitting alone, smoking his cigarette that he snuck in while wearing an old American WW2 Tanker uniform.

Looking at the view of the battlefield, he closed his eyes and imagined the field not all muddy or cratered with explosions

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Looking at the view of the battlefield, he closed his eyes and imagined the field not all muddy or cratered with explosions. He visualizes the field all nice and open with no one distracting him, not until he hears one tank moving up quickly. Opening his eyes, he then sees a Panther Tank slowly moving up to capture the last point of the objective as Houston quickly got inside the Sherman.

"What did you find out there, Commander?" the gunner asked.

"A Panther I is moving toward the last objective point. It hasn't seen us yet, so we can take it out by surprise," Houston said, putting on his tanker helmet.

"Isn't a Panther tank impossible to take out?" the machine gunner asked.

"Well, in the front, yes, mostly some of the shots will either be ricocheted or not hit marked. But if we hit it in the back, let's say it will be out, and we will win," Houston explained.

"Yeah, I hope this match ends soon because I'm so close to losing my-" the loader was about to continue speaking until he gets shocked again. "SHIT!"

"Calm down, take a break from the wires, will ya?" Houston said.

"Like hell I'm giving up on this wire!" the loader said, looking at Houston.

"Whatever... Gunner, got a clear shot?" Houston asked, turning to his gunner.

"Yes, I do, and boy, that Panther has no luck of finding us here," the gunner said, looking through his scope.

"Yeah, they do," the driver agrees.

Houston: "I agree. Now stop your yapping and take out that Panther."

Gunner: "Roger that...."

The gunner quickly takes aim at the Panther as it begins capturing the point. The loader quits fixing the wires of the tank and loads a shell.

Girl und Panzer: The Yankee's in TankWhere stories live. Discover now