Chapter 27

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With the Joint High School split up, Davy Crockett, Kuromorimine, and Ooarai had set up camp after Houston ordered Dean to secure the town, allowing the Armor company to rest after their long drive.

Many of Davy Crockett's boys enjoyed the company of Kuromorimine and Ooarai girls. Some of them stood by their tanks, chatting, while others sat around the campfire, sharing horror stories and more. Miho watched over this scene, with Jefferson, the Vice Commander of Davy Crockett High, standing next to her as he enjoyed his self-cooked meal.

"You know, Miho Nishizumi, when we boys first heard that your girls were about to shut down our Tankery sport, our guys were enraged. But now, after being on this island for six months, look at us. We're working together not just to save our Tankery sport from being shut down, but also to expose the crimes of the Federation and Commander Chiaki, for what they did to us, including me," Jefferson said, still haunted by the harsh treatment they endured after the Siege of the Alamo

Miho nodded, her gaze fixed on the flickering flames of the campfire. The camaraderie among their unlikely allies was heartening, but she knew the challenges they faced were far from over.

"I understand, Jefferson," Miho replied, her voice filled with determination. "It's not just about saving our Tankery sport anymore. It's about justice and making sure no one else suffers like we did. We'll expose the truth and put an end to Commander Chiaki's reign."

Jefferson nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the same determination. "You're right, Miho. We've come a long way, and we've got each other's backs. Together, we'll make sure our voices are heard, and the Federation's corruption is exposed."

As they shared this solemn moment by the campfire, the bonds between the students of Davy Crockett, Kuromorimine, and Ooarai grew stronger. They were united not just by the love of Tankery but by a shared sense of justice and the desire to right the wrongs that had been done to them.

"Hey, I wonder, have you ever found out where Commander Maho went?" Jefferson inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Miho considered for a moment before responding, "I believe she went to check on Commander Houston."

Just as Miho spoke, the scene shifted to an open field where Houston was slowly approaching a group of horses. One of the horses began to panic, but Houston raised his hand slowly and took small steps, soothing the frightened animal until he could gently touch its head, calming it down.

As Houston managed to calm the wild horse, he began patting it and softly spoke to the horse, assuring it that he meant no harm.

"I didn't know you liked horses," Maho remarked as she approached Houston.

Houston turned to her, a soft smile on his face. "Well, my grandpa was a rancher. He was the one who taught me about horses and how to calm them down," he explained as he finished calming the horse and let it go, watching as it rejoined its pack.

As they observed the horse reuniting with its group, Maho's heart raced, and she couldn't shake the strange feeling she had about Houston. When she had confessed her feelings for him, Maho had made it clear that their relationship could never work. Her mother had already arranged for her to meet potential suitors who would continue the Nishizumi family legacy. Even though Maho and Houston had fallen in love, she believed that pursuing their feelings would only lead to a lie and bring dishonor to the Nishizumi name, especially considering the sacrifices she had made to help Houston save his men.

Houston, too, had his reservations about pursuing another relationship. His last romance had ended in heartbreak when the girl he thought he loved had cheated on him. She had returned the Houston family necklace, a symbol passed down through generations, telling him that it was meant for his true love. It was a constant reminder that no matter how far apart they were, the necklace would always connect them to the one they truly loved.

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