Chapter 42

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Operation Cherrybomb part 3

The scene unfolds in a war-torn city, with airsoft pellets whistling past as Davy Crockett Rangers boys take cover. A group of Rangers, positioned strategically, fires back at the Federation women across from their location.

Amidst the intense firefight, one Ranger lies on the ground, taking a few breaths to absorb the chaos around him. Tanks, including Shermans and Ooarai Girls Academy tanks, unleash a barrage, hitting and disabling Federation Leopard tanks. In the midst of the chaos, the boy scans his surroundings, tightly gripping his airsoft M1 Grand. Suddenly, he looks up and spots his high school commander, Houston, standing outside his Sherman tank, calmly observing the battle through binoculars.

Houston notices the downed Ranger and acts swiftly, picking him up and shouting, "Get up, Private Allen! Rangers lead the way! Move!" With a firm push, Houston propels him towards the Rangers' position. Quickly getting into position, the boy joins the firefight, unleashing a barrage of airsoft rounds alongside his comrades.

"Rangers Four-one, keep laying pressure on them! If we lose any more armor, we move on foot. Hooah?" Dean shouted, firing his Airsoft Thompson's drum mag amid the ongoing firefight.

As the battle intensified, a small squad of Federation forces attempted to flank the Rangers and the tanks. Sean spotted them and urgently reported, "We got hostiles flanking us, Sarge!"

"Take 'em out!" Dean ordered.

The Rangers swiftly neutralized the flanking threat, forcing the defensive Federation girls to retreat further into the city. Dean, taking charge, rallied the Rangers.

"They retreated! Everyone, get your ass back to the vehicles. We're Oscar Mike!" Dean declared as they rushed to the Jeeps armed with .50 Cal airsoft machine guns. Some Rangers stood outside the jeeps, phones in hand, ready to capture the impending epic moment.

"Ten seconds!" one of the Rangers shouted.

"Which building is it, dude?" asked one Ranger to his buddy.

"It's the tall one right there," he pointed.

"Wait, which one?" another Ranger asked.

"The one at—Hey, Dave, which one is it? The one on the left or the right?" he asked Dave.

"One on the right," Dave responded, attempting to capture the moment on his phone.

"Hey, isn't this against the rules?" other Rangers questioned.

"Come on... Since when did the Federation Commander follow the rules?" the other Ranger replied with a grin.

Amidst the confusion and uncertainty, Momo popped out of the Hetzer hatch, her voice cutting through the chaos.

"What are you boys standing around for?! Come on, we don't have all day for whatever you boys are doing?!" Momo shouted, urging the Rangers to get back into action.

"Probably Houston has something special happening that we don't know," Auzu speculated, taking a nonchalant bite of her beloved dried sweet potato snack.

Meanwhile, Miho and the rest of Anglerfish in the Panzer IV behind the Hetzer observed the Rangers, equally puzzled by the unexpected pause in the action. The air was thick with anticipation as everyone tried to decipher the reason behind the momentary standstill.

Miho exchanged glances with her crew inside the Panzer IV, and after a brief pause, she spoke up, "Something seems off. Let's be prepared for anything."

Saori, ever the optimist, added, "Maybe they're just taking a breather. Those airsoft battles can get pretty intense, you know?"

"Still, it's unusual," Yukari chimed in, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "I don't see any sign of the enemy. They can't just be resting."

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