Chapter 19.5

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Meanwhile, in the bustling City of Pottosboro, Jefferson, and Joey strolled side by side, their official Vice Commander uniforms setting them apart in the crowd. Joey turned to his companion, his curiosity bubbling over.

"Hey, Jefferson," Joey began, "I've always wondered... ever since the Dallas incident, do you remember the Commander that Houston eliminated back then?"

The mere mention of the former Commander, whom Houston had taken out, sent a shiver down Jefferson's spine. Memories of how that leader had treated their enemies, especially after their true identity had been revealed, still haunted him.

Jefferson hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering as he recalled those troubling times. Finally, he spoke in a hushed tone, "That... I'd rather not discuss it in public. Let's find a more private setting to talk about it."

They continued walking through the bustling streets, the weight of untold secrets and unspoken history hanging heavily between them.

Upon entering the private meeting room, Jefferson turned to Joey, his expression serious as he prepared to reveal the secrets of his past.

"Alright, Joey, now we can talk here," Jefferson began.

"Okay, where should we start, Jefferson?" Joey replied, his curiosity unwavering.

Jefferson took a deep breath before commencing his tale. "Well... Have you ever heard of one of the wealthiest and most prestigious schools upstate? The Vermont Academy.

Joey nodded in recognition. "Yeah, I've heard of it. It used to be one of the toughest schools to get into back then, and now it's suddenly shut down. I'm not sure why."

Jefferson continued, "You see, back in those days, the only way to get into that school was either to be the best at your old middle school or receive an offer from them. Some kids from our state managed to get into the school, including a couple of guys from Texas, namely Houston, and Red, if you remember him."

"Yeah, I remember Red," Joey said, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "He was a cool guy. It's a shame to see what happened to him."

(I highly recommend play this masterpiece during this backstory)

Jefferson nodded solemnly. "Yeah. Anyway, getting back to the story, do you recall the old squad from Vermont? They called themselves the 'War Dogs of Vermont.' In that group, there were eight people – seven males and one female. Some were legends, and some were simply the best at what they did. Their backgrounds were diverse, but the one who led them was Commander Anderson – a brutal bastard. When the Dallas match began, I believed our alliance's powers could overcome them."

Jefferson's voice grew darker as he continued. "But, as it turned out, that sick son of a bitch somehow managed to infiltrate our ranks. Houston, with his remarkable skills in infiltration, just like Anderson, masked themselves as our false Commander units, wearing fake masks of my old Commanders."

Joey nodded somberly. "Which led to the ambush at our meeting, right?"

"Yeah," Jefferson replied with a heavy sigh. "They knew exactly where we'd be gathering, and they launched an all-out attack, aiming to eliminate us."

As they discussed the ambush, both Jefferson and Joey were drawn back into a painful flashback of that fateful day.


The scene unfolded before their eyes as if it were happening all over again. Jefferson lay on the ground, clutching his wounded leg, while Joey lay nearby, pretending to be lifeless. They watched in horror as some of their comrades were ruthlessly massacred.

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