Chapter 36

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The Red Ace Part 1

Flashback five weeks after the Dallas Incident

It shows blurry vision as the scene opens up with someone floating in a healing tank, with breathing tubes connected to the person's mouth, and green liquid inside the tank. As the person's vision slowly clears, they can hear sounds from the outside.

They hear the echo of footsteps in the room, and then one doctor appears, looking over the patient's vitals. The doctor is trying to determine the patient's condition and whereabouts. Soon after, another person enters the room, and the patient can hear the distinct sound of their shoes clicking on the floor. The patient inside the healing tank can only see a man standing there, wearing a nice suit, albeit stained with alcohol, and with messy hair.

Once the doctor finishes the daily check-up, he moves away from his computer and addresses the man in the room. He says, "Vitals are good. Circulatory system healthy... Brain activity is normal... The damage that he took from the bullet and the metal rod that we managed to pull out while he was... um, dead... but we brought him back to life, and we are keeping him here in this tank so that his body and the organs that have been damaged can heal and repair with the healing agent we inserted, sir."

The man in the rumpled suit nods with a mixture of curiosity and concern, his eyes fixed on the person inside the healing tank. He seems deep in thought as he observes the intricate machinery and the green fluid surrounding the patient.

"Remarkable," he murmurs, his voice tinged with a hint of awe. "It's incredible what modern science can do." He then turns to the doctor and inquires, "How long do you anticipate it will take for him to make a full recovery? And what are the chances of any complications?"

The doctor adjusts his glasses and replies, "It's difficult to give an exact timeframe, but we estimate that it will take several weeks for a complete recovery. As for complications, we're closely monitoring his progress. So far, there have been no significant issues, but we'll continue to observe him closely and make adjustments as necessary."

The man in the suit nods again, seemingly lost in thought. "Keep me updated on his progress, Doctor. He's a valuable asset, and I want to ensure he's back to full health as soon as possible."

As the conversation concludes, the patient in the healing tank continues to observe the world from behind the glass. 

The man in the suit, who is revealed to be the father of the person inside the healing tank, stands there, his emotions laid bare. Tears stream down his face as he places his hand on the glass, expressing his deep remorse and love for his son.

"I'm so close... It was my fault... My fault that this happened to you. First, I left the one who did this to you and failed to stop her from hanging herself so she could be with you. But saving you... I'll keep trying. Trying to save you... You were perfect, a perfect thing that happened to me... I love you... son," he says, his voice quivering with emotion.

As time passes, the son remains in the healing tank for two months. He slowly regains consciousness, his vision gradually clearing. He awakens with a deep sense of confusion and disorientation.

"Where am I..." he thinks to himself, struggling to piece together his memories. All he can remember is his last moments, lying on the ground in a ruined building, bleeding and facing a person who was supposed to be with him. The person aimed a pistol at him, their hand trembling, tears streaming down their cheek.

"I love you, big brother..." echoes in his mind, and he recalls that the person standing before him in his final moments was his older brother. The last thing he heard was a gunshot. The painful memory floods his mind, and his eyes widen with shock and fear.

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