The Curse Of Achilles

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Percy's PoV

I stare at the clear, rushing waters in front of me, hesitate to jump in. I could, but then lose my invulnerability, which was probably the only thing that has kept me alive all this time. Screeches of the two gorgon sisters were getting louder behind me.

"Come on hero, it's now or never." The old lady whispered in my ear, breathing down my neck. Her breath smelt sour, like milk that had been left out in the sun for way too long. "Swim in the river." I didn't know how I would even get across, as I'm sure that the woman is much heavier than when I first picked her up.

A loud 'BOOM' comes from behind me. I glance back, only to see the girl and boy running towards me, yelling at me to cross the little Tiber. An awful scream pierces my ears, and Beano and Euryale come bursting out of what's left of the tunnel. With no hesitation, I rush into the cold river, but I make sure that the river doesn't wet me. At first, the Tiber tries to fight back, and I feel my invulnerability starting to fade. I push on, fighting back. After struggling across the river, the river draining me with every step, I finally made it to the other side.

Exhausted, I sling the old lady off of me, and she frowns at me, as if she knows what I did with the river. I try not to think about it, but I hear a cry come from the other side of the little Tiber.

(Insert Percy saving Frank blah blah blah, now it's the war games!)

I look at Hazel and Frank, grinning. We won the game! Frank is gushing over how badass Hazel looked when her and Hannibal came crashing down the halls.

Hazel glances at me, an impressed look slips into her face. "Wow Percy, Lupa must've trained you really well if you can come out of the war games with even a scratch!"

I internally curse. "Um, yeah! Lupa helped me avoid those unnecessary bumps and bruises!"

"I wish Lupa had taught me that..." Frank wishfully says. "Maybe I wouldn't be so clumsy then."

There's shouting, and a legionnaire is being taken to the medics on a stretcher. Hazel, Frank and I race over to see who it is.

It's Gwen.

___(Quest Time!)___

"Your little curse can't save you now, Perseus!" Phineas cackles as he stands up. "I feel my eyesight returning! Yes! Ye-" He doubles over coughing, and I feel the pain easing. As he disappears, Frank picks the dirty nightgown up, gets the note out and reads it aloud.

"Hubbard Iceberg," He says, and Hazel's eyes light up.

"Oh, that's close to where I used to live!" Hazel informs us. "But the problem is finding transport..."

As we walk around looking for the Amazons, Frank comes up by my side. "Hey, um, Phineas said something about a curse? I know that you probably don't want me to ask, 'cause it's a curse..."

I take a deep breath. "I know that you would find out about it eventually." I say. I slip Riptide into my hand, uncapping it. "Now that you've asked, I might as just tell you. Saves a lot of guiltiness." By now, Hazel is intrigued as well. I glance down at the sword. "Go big or go home," I mutter, which confuses both of them.

"What do you mean-" Hazel is cut off as I prepare to stab myself. Frank and Hazel widen their eyes as I plunge the blade into myself.

But it doesn't do anything. The blade bounces off of me, and the two other demigods stare at where the blade is supposed to be. "Yeah. So that's my curse. The curse of Achilies."

"What- How- Why?" Frank sputters for words, and Hazel looks to and from the blade and to my chest where it should be.

I sigh. "Everything's fuzzy, but I do know that I somehow got the curse of Achilies, which makes my skin invulnerable-"

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