Side by Side [MileApoBible]

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A/N: This is kinda short but I hope you like it! I've been staying out for like 4 days cuz my bestie is visiting and we went to a concert together and IT WAS CRAZY! SO, KEEP AN EYE FOR ANOTHER PART OF GROUPIE AU!!!!

Bible finally got back from his schedule in Korea, and for the past few days he has felt a bit uncomfortable, feeling a bit warm, but he pays no mind to it as he has schedules to attend to and he doesn't feel as sick.

As Bible finally landed back in Thailand, he felt very uncomfortable, and as he finally got back to his place, he immediately collapsed in his bed, falling into slumber the moment his body hit his bed.

On the other hand, from the moment Bible was in Korea until he was back in Korea, Mile and Apo had been keeping in contact with their little boyfriend, worried as he was flying alone. The two know the Bible's schedule well, so as Bible lands, they text the younger if he has safely landed and if he wants them to visit him, but all their recent text are left unanswered, and worry starts to overcome them, as usually, Bible would at least inform them he safely arrives back.

It was the next day when Mile and Apo drove to Bible's place, and as they arrived and knocked at the younger's door, they frowned as they heard no one answering and at that moment the two were thankful at the fact that Bible had trusted them to hold a spare key to his place.

Mile unlocks the door and heads inside, with Apo hot on his heels. The two call the Bible, and worry starts creeping onto them as they hear no reply. They made their way towards Bible's room and gasped as they saw Bible in bed, looking very uncomfortable.

Apo immediately went towards Bible, trying to wake the youngest, frown made its way to his face as he felt how warm Bible is and his movement got bigger and frantic as Bible barely responded towards his calls and touch. Mile, on the other hand, immediately unlocks his phone, calling his personal doctor.

A soft whine escaped Bible's lips, before a whimper followed, and a whisper of 'hurt' was sounded out from the younger end Apo's frantic calls and movement. Apo stares at Bible with worry as he cradles the youngest against his chest, his worry then lessen as Mile approaches both of them with a basin and a towel, mentioning how a doctor is on the way to check on Bible.

The two then started attending the youngest, changing Bible's clothes, wiping him down and making sure he's hydrated and after a while Bible is more conscious. An hour passed when the doctor finally arrived at Bible's place, to which Mile and Apo rushed him towards Bible.

The doctor checked Bible as Mile and Apo stood by the bed's side, watching with worry. As Bible is weak but awake, the doctor asked him simple questions before deciding that it's best to give the youngest an IV drip.

Fear flashes Bible's eyes before he jerked, saying no loudly at the doctor. He looked helplessly towards Mile and Apo with tears now gathering in his eyes, a soft whimper escaped his lips. Mile and Apo looked at the doctor, silently asking if there's no other alternatives, to which the doctor shook his head.

Mile moves towards Bible, climbing onto the bed before bringing the other towards him, manhandling the youngest so he's settled between his legs, hugging him.

"Bibs, honey. You have to get the IV drip"


"It will hurt just a tiny bit honey, Phi will be here"

"No… hurts…"

"I know, baby, but you have to"

As Mile tries to convince Bible, Apo climbs to settle beside them, watching as the doctor prepares the drip, and then following Mile on trying to convince the youngest to get the IV drip. It took them awhile to get the younger to aggree but once Bible accepted his fate, the doctor immediately stood next to them.

Bible, who saw the doctor, trys to move away from him, but Mile ended up holding onto his waist and caging him, his back pressed up against Mile's front. Fear crossed his face, as he tries to wiggle away from Mile's hold, he reaches out toward Apo, but feels betrayed as Apo moved to his front, sandwhiching him between them, tears starts to flow down his cheeks and a sob follows.

Mile and Apo's heart aches at the youngest but they know that doing this is for the best. The two immediately console the younger, whisphering sweet nothings and assurance so the younger would calm down, as Bible is distracted, Mile nods at the doctor, giving him a go to put the IV on Bible.

With Mile and Apo, manhandling him to a position where it's easy to insert the needle onto his skin, the doctor immediately move to action, as he pierced the needle to Bible's skin, the other screamed and starts sobbing loudly, trying to move but failed as Mile and Apo has a tight hold on him.

The doctor did his job quickly, before then telling them that he's done. At this point, Bible is still crying in the holds of his two boyfriends, silently whispering that it hurts. Mile and Apo loosen their grip over the younger, and the younger just sags onto Mile. Apo then got off the bed and followed the doctor out.

Once he's back, Apo goes back to his position and stares at Bible before cupping the younger's face and peppering his face with kisses, softly comforting Bible, turning his cries to sniffles. Mile doesn't let go of the younger, opting to loosely hold the younger and once in a while kissing the other's head.

Bible is not happy at all with the situation, a pout makes its way on his lips as he glares at the needle in his arm. Apo who saw this can't help but steal a kiss, chuckling as Bible turns his glare to Apo.

Apo then settles beside Mile, leaning against the headboard, holding onto Bible's hand as Mile gently caresses the youngest's stomach, it doesn't take long for Bible to doze off and once Bible is asleep once again, Mile and Apo rearranges the younger so Bible is fully laying down on his bed.

The two looked at Bible before gently placing a kiss on his cheeks, then they went out of Bible's room. The two went towards the living room and decided to take care of the youngest, choosing to sleep at Bible's place and nurse him until healthy.

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