Cookie - Bonus [PongBible]

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The two slept until sunrise, Pong is on his back with his arms around Bible, who is on his side with his head on Pong's chest, a leg thrown over Pong's legs, and a hand fisting the other's shirt. Soft snores filled the room as none of them seemed to be ready to wake up and start their day.

It takes another hour until one of them starts waking up, thankfully they don't have to be anywhere to be for the day, Bible is the first to be awake, he blinks himself awake, taking everything in as he loads himself for the day.

His hand is still fisting the shirt that Pong wore, a couple of minutes have passed when he finally realized that he's sleeping on Pong, his now boyfriend. Oh...My... God... I'm dating my crush. Bible can't help but vibrate with excitement, full realization downed him that his crush likes him back and is now dating him.

Bible buries his face onto the chest of his sleeping boyfriend, squealing internally before taking a couple of deep breaths. Oh my God, Oh my God, I have a boyfriend and he's sleeping next to me! Oh my God, what if he wakes up? What if I look ugly?? FUCK, what should I do?

Bible then sneakily got out of bed, before shuffling towards his bathroom. He looks at his reflection in the mirror, running his hands through his hair before he then brushes his teeth and washes his face, before then quietly getting out and heading towards the kitchen.

Bible passes his living room and saw the cookie jar on the coffee table, he smiled knowingly before going to the kitchen. He decided that he'll make a simple breakfast for the both of them.

He then took out some bread, milk, eggs, and sausages before preparing to cook. Bible then grabs a couple of eggs, cracks them on a bowl, and adds a dash of milk before whisking them, he then preheats his pan then pours the egg on it, adding salt and pepper, cooking it into a scrambled egg.

Once the egg is done, he grabs two plates and places the eggs on them before moving on to the sausage. On the same pan, he tosses a couple of sausages in before he grabs a couple of loaves of bread and puts it in the toaster. As he focuses on the sausage, Bible lets out a shriek as he felt hands slithering around his waist.

"It's me"

"Pong, you scared me"

"Sorry, honey"


Pong tightens his hold on his boyfriend's waist and buries his face onto the crook of the other's neck. He inhales and relaxes, letting the other finish cooking the sausages while he stays behind Bible.

Once Bible is done with their breakfast, he nudges Pong to let go and start gathering the dirty dishes while Pong moves to grab their breakfast and brings them to the living room. Bible places the dirty dishes on the sink before grabbing 2 cups of iced coffee and to the living room.

Pong is sitting on the floor, with food on the coffee table in front of him and the tv on, and so Bible joins in, sitting next to his boyfriend before then digging in. The two don't talk much as they eat but once they're finished Pong grabs their plate and went to clean the dirty dishes.

Bible shuffles behind Pong, following him to the kitchen, and watches the other start to clean the dishes. This feels so domestic... I hope we can be like this for a long long time. His heart warmed up at the scene he's seeing and he can't help but take a step forward and wraps his hand around the taller waist.

Pong feels Bible rests his cheeks on his back, he quickly finished washing the dishes before wiping his hands on the towel and turning his body, making Bible let go of the back hug but is then pulled back into Pong's arms.

Bible grins as Pong hugs him and swayed them, he wiggles around and circled his arms around the taller neck, smiling sweetly at Pong, who's grinning back at him. Bible softly rests his hand on Pong's nape before pulling the other into a kiss.

Pong circled his arms around Bible's waist, bringing the other impossibly close as the kiss. The kiss was a lot more steamy than their first, with Pong biting onto Bible's lips, asking for permission, and Bible gladly opening up to the other. Their tongues dance with each other, bites are placed here and there on their lips and they only broke the kiss as they start to lose oxygen. Bible grins with his eyes sparkling, he leans forward and gives another peck to Pong before hugging the other close and tight.

"I like you"

"I like you too, Bibs"

"I like you more"

"I like you the most!"

"I like you more than ever!"

"I like you from the moon and back"

I hope one day we can say 'I love you' to each other. I wish to be with him forever. 

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