Freezing [Bible x OC]

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It was in the afternoon and the temperature is pretty low. Kei is snuggled up in bed and sighs in annoyance, she's wearing her boyfriend's hoodie with leggings and she's covered with a fluffy blanket covering her. Despite being covered she still feels cold, especially her hands. Kei has this thing going on with her when she's in a low-temperature environment, her hands will go cold fast, and she hates it as it kinda makes her hand stiff.

Kei searched for her phone but got abandoned somewhere on her bed once she found her phone she searched for her boyfriend's contact. Bible. She doesn't hesitate and went straight to hit the call button and waited for him to answer.

"What's wrong?" Bible questioned.

"Where are you?"

"Living room, why?"

"Okie, bye"


Kei ends the call and just lays in bed for a while, staring at the door before she hauls herself up along with their blanket and starts walking out of her shared room towards the living room.

Bible, on the other hand, is in the living room, he's on the floor, watching Netflix as he tweaks around his new guitar. After the call, Bible looks at his phone, wondering why Kei called him instead of just going out of the room and looking for him.

Kei emerges from their room, all bundled up in their blanket, dragging the excess part along the floor. Bible looks at Kei fondly as she waddles towards him and flops on the sofa he's leaning on.



"Do you want warm tea?"

"Nah, what are you watching?"

"Brooklyn 99"

"Nice! I'm staying!"

Bible chuckled at Kei as he watch her settle behind him and make sure Kei is comfortable before giving her a peck and continues to tweak his guitar. As he focuses on his guitar and lets the sound of the show be his bgm, he felt a cold hand rest on his neck.

Bible stops what he's doing and reaches his hand out to the hand resting on his nape. He grabs Kei's hand and pulled it so her arm rests on his shoulder and that he could see her hand. Bible took both of his hands and covered Kei's cold hand.

"Babe, your hand is freezing"

"No surprise there, the temperature is pretty low these days"

"Do you want me to turn it up?"

"No, It'll be too hot"

Bible could hear the pout from the way Kei is speaking, he smiled softly and rubs both hands that is covering Kei's hand, hoping to warm the cold hands. Kei lets her hand warm up in Bible's hand before tugging it back, earning a look from Bible.

"Continue with your guitar, I'll keep my hands under the blankie"

Bible turned to look at Kei, making sure she was tucked back into their blanket, reaching his hands out to fix some parts that are not wrapped tight enough to keep Kei warm. After being satisfied with how Kei is bundled up the way he wanted, he resumes his position and starts busying himself with his guitar. Occasionally, Bible would hear Kei giggle at the show and comment on them, it felt so calm and peaceful, a domestic bliss surrounded them.

"ARGH! WHAT THE-" Bible exclaimed, feeling two cold hands slither up and rest on his underarms. He then tries to pry both Kei's hands off but failed.

"Why are you shouting?" Kei said as he watches in amusement.






"So? Do you want my hands to freeze?"

Bible stares at Kei in disbelief, wondering how the hell he fell for her and hard. Bible then sighs, shaking his head a bit before turning back, slightly shuddering as Kei shifts to a more comfortable position.

"You better thank God that I love you so much, babe"

"I know I love you, too"

Kei then leaned to kiss Bible on the lips and cheek, grinning at him. 

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