Icky [MileApoBible]

339 18 5

A/N: Tbh, this is kind of like word vomit, so it might be disappointing or lacking, but I hope you still enjoy this. This work is especially for unknownzz119 , I woke up to your comment and immediately thought of this, so this one is for you. Also, anything can be a Bible-centric if you set your heart to it hahaha. 

Bible is worried, This past two weeks he's been home, as he doesn't have a schedule for the two weeks while his boyfriends, Mile and Apo, both have a schedule, but while Mile has rest days, Apo has his weeks fully packed.

Bible really can't help but worry, he'd go over to Apo's place a couple of times to make sure the older was okay but Apo seemed to always come home late, so late that Bible would fall asleep from waiting, and when he's awake, the older is gone to attend another schedule.

Since Bible knew that Mile and Apo have a couple of schedules where they attend together, at one point, Bible texted Mile to keep an eye on Apo, he also emphasized for the oldest to tell him if Apo is acting weird or feeling sick.

Bible is worried for a reason, as Apo goes to schedules, he can tell from the pictures uploaded that the older feels exhausted and Bible suspects that Apo may be sick too. This ends up with Bible spending most of his days checking on Apo and looking at updates on the man through social media.

Two dreadful weeks pass by and Bible finally has a schedule, fortunately for him, Mile and Apo will also attend the same schedule with him. Originally, Mile and Apo are the ones invited but the two are able to bring a plus one, so they insist on bringin him to a brand event.

As the day finally comes, Mile picks both Apo and Bible up from their place before driving to the agency to get their make-up and outfits done. Mile went to Bible's place first, picking up the youngest before driving towards Apo's place. As they drove off, Mile could tell Bible has something on his mind, so he gently grabbed the younger's hand and started asking.

"What's wrong, babe?"


"What's wrong? You seem to have a lot in your mind"

"Oh, it's Phi Po... I'm worried of him"

"Ah, he does seem like he needs rest"

"He does! I'm scared if he'll get sick..."

"I know, babe, but we have to trust him, we've been reminding him to rest and take vitamins too"

"Yeah... but, I'm still worried"

"Oh, babe"

Mile caresses Bible's skin with his thumb before bringing the hand holding onto Bible's hands up to his face and pressing his lips against the skin, trying to comfort the younger. Soon enough the two arrived at Apo's place, and the two immediately saw Apo, looking tired, already waiting for them.

The two watch as Apo immediately walks towards them and silently boards the backseat, immediately settling and closing his eyes to sleep. Mile felt his hand he's holding squeezed tighter, then he looks at Apo with worry in his eyes.

Bible feels his heart ache, he doesn't like it when the men he loves get hurt or fall sick, so watching Apo looking like someone sucked his soul out of him, hightens his worry over Apo. As they drive to their agency, Bible made sure that Apo is not disturbed as he holds on to Mile's hand. Once they got to the agency, Bible signs to Mile for him to carry Apo in, wanting for Apo to get as much rest as possible.

Apo doesn't woke up as Mile carries him to the make up room, nor when he was carried to the changing room and got dressed by Mile and Bible before then going back to the car to drive off to the venue.

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