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A/N: A short JobBible AU inspired by Tilly Bird's Status. (I WANT TO LISTEN TO IT LIVE AGAIN!!!)

Job and Bible have been closed for over a year now, the two first met during Bible's first day in university, he got lost trying to find his class and ended up bumping into Job, his senior by one year. Soon after that, the two got closer as the day passed, with the two being in the same major and Job offering to help Bible with his study.

As they grew closer and closer, Bible can't help but fall for the older, charmed by everything Job does especially to him. The older one is always attentive when it comes to Bible, always making sure Bible is doing okay, making sure that Bible has been eaten, always complimenting the younger one, would pick up and drive the smaller one.

Bible so wants to believe that his feelings are reciprocated but a lot of things make him rethink about it, especially when it comes to another someone. As much as Bible and Job are close and could probably pass as a couple, when Bas, a classmate of Job, is in sight, suddenly Job's action would change.

Bible is feeling torn with his feelings, he really wants to stop liking the older but his heart would always race when it comes to Job, always feeling giddy at the older's actions, despite knowing that Job probably doesn't see him that way. Bible can recall all the times he fell for the older, again and again.

The first time his heart races for the older is when the older insisted on picking him up to go to university together, and Bible absentmindedly agrees. Once the younger enters Job's car, the older leaned towards him, grabbing the seat belt and buckling the younger one. Bible can smell the cologne Job is wearing, the heat of the olders body, and at that moment time feels like it's slowing down.

The next time was when Job insisted to bring Bible home, they were walking to the parking lot when suddenly the older grabbed his hands and linked their fingers, swaying their hands back and forth as they walked. Bible was mesmerized by Job, the older looks so free and happy, and at that moment Bible can't help but smile widely as his heart skipped a beat.

There is this other time, when they found out they are in the same class, Job would always sit beside him, the older would sometimes lean on him, play with his fingers, and stare at him, when Job is not focusing in class, he once asked why is Job not focusing in class and the reply made him speechless.



"Focus on the class na"

"Don't wanna, you're more cute and interesting than the professor"


"Okay! Okay! I'll do whatever you want!"


And at that moment, Bible questions himself "Does P'Job likes me... back?". He was nearly a hundred percent sure that Job likes him back. Not long after that their skinship level would rocket. Job would always hold his hand or waist, giving him pecks on his head, and pats, but all of that was soon feel like nothing.

Job and Bible were at their university's cafeteria, Job would casually feed Bible, saying that the younger should eat more because he's tiny as an excuse, and Job would swipe his thumb on Bible's lips, saying there's a sauce, when Bas comes up to them, sitting in front of them and ask Job.

"Ohooooo, look at you guys!"


"You guys are dating right?"

"No, we're just Phi-Nong"

When Bas asked about their status, Bible was hoping Job would at least say they were still talking or something, he was really not expecting to hear Job say "Phi-Nong", while it is true they are Phi-Nong, from all the times they spend time together, how could Job say that?

Job once said to him that he is special to the older but at that instant, Bible is questioning "Am I still important?". So, "Phi-Nong"? What kind of siblings would do things like they did? 

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