Cookie [PongBible]

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Pong and Bible like each other and it's obvious. The whole artist under the agency can see how the two always gravitate toward each other and would be blind if they say the two don't have feelings for each other.

From the very start, the two tend to gravitate toward each other as they're the same age and both come from the same city, with Bible being shy and introverted one and Pong being the sweet and extroverted one, it's not a surprise when they ended up glued to the hip.

Bible doesn't talk as much when they meet, it's all Pong asking questions and Bible answering and never the opposite, the latter being too shy to ask. After a couple of times meetings and talking, Bible soon warmed up to Pong.

Pong, on the other hand, has heard that Bible is not only the same age as him but also came from the same city. He has made it his mission to get close to Bible, wanting to get to know him more, and as guessed, they soon become inseparable.

Bible can't help but have feelings for Pong, not when the latter always cares for him and is always touchy with him. At first, Bible thought nothing of it, dismissing it as he thinks that Pong is like that to everyone, but soon enough that thought was thrown out.

One particular day, Bible ends up in Jeff's studio. The older has become a brother figure and a best friend to him, the two have a lot in common so they soon become best buddies. In the studio, Jeff suddenly brought up Pong in their conversation.



"You like Pong, don't you?"


"You like Pong... right?"

"I-Uh... No?"

"You don't seem so sure"

"Uh... I don't know?"

"You don't know?"


"It's pretty obvious that you like him you know"


"Your actions"

"My actions?"

"Yeah, how you act or react to Pong is different from how you act or react to others"

"No... That's not true..."

"Bib you should've seen yourself when you're with Pong. You're eyes fucking sparkle when you're with him. You freaking blush every time he touches you. Admit it bestie, you like him"

"I... I think I do like him"

"Think about it."

Bible nods at Jeff before leaning back on the sofa he's sitting on, he thinks about Pong and he can't help but acknowledge his feelings for him. He sighs as he looks up to the ceiling as realization dawns on him. I like Pong... but, does he like me back.

On the other hand, Pong is currently hanging out with Apo, they got close because they are pretty similar in frequency and they have a lot in common too. They were chilling in Apo's place when Pong decided to announce something.



"I like Bible"


"I like Bible"

"Yeah, I know"

"What do you mean, 'I know'?"

"Nong~ You are pretty obvious, you know. You are a lot more soft and touchy when it comes to Bible"

"Am I that obvious?"

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