halloween spirit (rc)

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I got two different Halloween requests so I put them together cause I thought it went well. I hope y'all like it🎃👻🦇

"Oh hell no, no way Rafe!" You shook your head and hands back and forth in protest. "Oh come onnn, it'll be fun!"

You cross your arms and glare at your boyfriend. Who is currently trying to convince you to go to a haunted house for Halloween.

"Scary people chasing me is fun?" You curl up on the couch, shuddering at just the thought of it. He playfully rolls his eyes and leans closer to you.

You could watch scary movies sometimes but being scared in person felt like a whole other story. At least in movies they can't jump up into your face.

He places both of his hands on your thighs, looking intently into your eyes. "For me?" He gives you those stupid puppy dog eyes that you're never able to say no to.

You clench your jaw, trying to stay strong from his pleading. You let out an annoyed huff, "damn you... okay fine fine!"

He smiles mischievously and pulls you closer to him. You giggle as he starts to pepper your face with kisses. "You're the best."

You pretend to be disgusted, trying to pull away from him. "How about we watch a scary movie hm? Get ready for the real thing?"

"Okay don't push your luck buddy!" You laugh and it's like music to his ears. He pulls you against his chest, moving to get comfortable.

"You pick whatever you want baby." He hands you the remote and you start to scroll.

The next day Rafe was wandering the aisles of target, looking for all of your favorite things. The other day you had showed him a 'boo basket'.

You gushed over how cute it was after seeing multiple tik toks of them. From what he gathered, it was like a care package but Halloween themed.

He grabbed your favorite snacks and candy, bonus points if there was a Halloween version in the holiday aisle.

He found a cute fuzzy blanket, face masks, candles, and more. He realized he went overboard when he brought it all to the register.

The woman scanning his items smiled, clearly knowing what he was doing. "She'll love it." The older lady winked, causing Rafe to chuckle.

He asked Wheezie to help him assemble the basket, wanting to make sure it was 'aesthetic' enough, as you would say.

She happily obliged and added some tissue paper and bows. He felt very proud of his little gift and he couldn't wait to give it to you.

The next week went by in a blur and you nearly forgot about the agreement you had made. That is until Rafe shows up to your house with tickets.

"Are you ready?!" He says excited like a little kid. You throw your head back and groan, feeling nerves swirl in your stomach.

"Topper and Riley are so excited." Rafe tells you as he walks inside your house. Riley is Tops new girlfriend, who you really liked.

You were slightly happy to know you'd have another friend with you that wasn't one of the boys. Except this was Riley's thing, she lived for this kind of stuff.

"Wait what are you holding?" You ask, noticing he's keeping his hands behind his back. He always pulls you into a hug the second he sees you.

He smirks with a look of achievement. "Well...." He brings his hands forward and you notice he's holding a cute woven basket.

You gasp noticing the basket filled with goodies. "I know you kept talking about these so... and you deserve one even more after agreeing to go with me to the haunted house."

You both laugh at his statement as you peek into the basket. A cute blanket with ghosts on it, some fuzzy socks, a few face masks, pumpkin scented candles, and all of your favorite food and drinks.

"Rafe!" You gush excitedly. He looks down at you triumphantly. "Do you like it?" He asks, dying for your reassurance.

"Of course, I love it!" You wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss his cheek dramatically. "How about we watch hocus pocus before we have to leave?" He asks against your lips.

"Let's do it." You pull him upstairs and into your room. You take a picture of the basket and post it to your insta story before digging into it. You light one of the new candles and snuggle under the new blanket.

The sun has set once the movie finishes and you let out a deep sigh. "Baby... if you really don't wanna go we don't have to." He says, noticing your nerves.

"No no I'll be fine. Just hold my hand okay?" You say with a hint of nerves. "I'll never let you go." He responds sweetly.

You quickly get ready by throwing on a comfy but casual outfit while Rafe texts Topper.

The drive isn't too long and you smile once seeing Riley and Topper standing outside waiting for you. "Hi!" You say happily and pull Riley into a hug.

She sways you back and forth, "I'm so happy you came!" You can't help but laugh nervously. "It'll be fine." She winks and pats your shoulder.

Despite your fear the vibe is wonderful, the sun is setting and casting a beautiful orange hue over the sky. It's a bit chilly outside and there's pumpkins lining the walkway.

The daunting music gets louder the closer you get to the front. Rafe leans over and places a kiss on the top of your head.

You smile and wrap both of your arms around one of his. He places a hand atop of yours as you start to enter.

It's nearly pitch black and there's creepy sounds coming from every direction. Smoke machines make it hard to see in front of you.

Thankfully you managed to be in the middle of the group, having people in front and behind you gave you a sense of security.

There's all types of characters, witches, zombies, big butcher men with axes, each room has a different theme.

You squeal every time something jumps out as does the rest of your group. Rafe body is shielding yours, even if something got close it wouldn't get past your boyfriend.

Even he found himself scared, you could feel his rapidly beating heart. He occasionally whispered words of encouragement into your ear.
'You're good' 'I've got you' 'it's almost over'

You finally bust through the final room, the breeze of fresh air hitting you in the face. You grab your chest, breathing heavily and letting out a laugh.

"That was awesome!" Riley jumped up and down smiling, Topper on the other hand look horrified. "Yeah..." he mumbled while putting a fake smile on his face.

"You screamed more than y/n!" Riley teased him making you and Rafe laugh. "Thanks for coming with us baby." Rafe said pulling you into a sweet hug.

"I'll admit it... it was a little fun." You smirked slightly while looking up at him. "So you wanna go through it again." He teased and nodded his head towards the house.

"Oh hell no!" You grabbed his hand to pull him away before he could even attempt anything. He let out a deep chuckle and followed you.

a/n: long time no talk friends!!!! Work and life has been hectic as fuck but I miss y'all very much and hope you're all doing well, kisses 🩷🩷🩷

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