looking out for you (rc)

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"How about Friday night?" Cole smiled as he leaned up against the lockers. You blushed furiously, "pick me up at 7?" You batted your eyelashes at your long time crush. He gave you a wink before walking away.

You bit your lip and tried not to freak out. You had been practically in love with Cole since you were eight years old. You had dreamed of a day like this, and it finally came.

The bell rang and you bounced off to lunch. You spotted Rafe, your best friend, sneaking up behind him as you placed your hands on his shoulders, "BOO!" He looked over at you and smiled.

You plopped down besides him, "what's got you all happy?" He asked while shoving food into his mouth. "Cole just asked me out!" You said excitedly, looking at the group of boys. "Oh shit y/n/n!" Topper yelled and high fived you.

You couldn't keep the smile off of your face. You looked at Rafe expecting to see a good reaction, but it was exactly the opposite.

"Isn't that exciting?" You asked with a half a smile. He shrugged in reply, "yeah sure." You furrowed your eyebrows and look at him curiously.

He wouldn't even look at you so you decided to drop it and talk about it later. You didn't want his mood to ruin yours anyways.

After school you drove over to Tanneyhill, you and Rafe always studied together. When Sarah opened the door you were a bit confused but decided to brush it off.

"Hey Sarah, is Rafe home?" She shook her head back and forth, "no sorry he's at the club, I think he's golfing with Top... he didn't tell you?"

You swallowed thickly, embarrassment filling your chest. "Oh he probably just forgot to text me!" You wave your hand trying to seem nonchalant.

"Just come in and wait for him, you can help Wheeze and I with the cupcakes." Sarah stepped aside to let you in.

"Cupcakes? What for?" You asked setting your backpack down. Sarah had a look of annoyance but she was also grinning. "It's her new thing, she'll be obsessed for another week tops before giving up."

Wheezie is mixing the batter when she looks up to see you. She immediately smiles and puts you and Sarah to work.

You had completely forgotten about Rafe for that hour and you were thankful for his sisters. Once the cupcakes went in the oven you excused yourself to Rafes room, you might as well start studying.

You made the mistake of laying on the bed and you felt yourself growing sleepier. You finally caved and pushed your book to the side and threw the blanket over your body.

Rafe had been ignoring you on purpose and he felt like an asshole for bailing on your usual study time. He just needed to step away from you for a moment, before he said something he regretted.

Rafe wanted to be more than just your best friend, and usually guys stayed away from you due to this. One look from Rafe Cameron had most boys scurrying away, apparently not Cole.

He was surprised when he came home to see you sleeping peacefully in his bed, textbooks sprawled out beside you. "Y/n?" He asked, tossing his keys and phone on the desk.

You stirred and slowly came back to your senses. "Shit sorry what time is it?" Your voice was tired as you stretched your arms above you head. "What are you doing here?" He completely ignores your first question.

"We always study together so I was just waiting... you didn't text me back." You words were laced with defensiveness. Why was he suddenly acting so cold? His shoulders tensed up and he dropped his head.

"You've been weird all day Rafe what's going on?" You fully sat up and dangled your legs off the side of the bed. He sat down next to you, keeping his gaze on the floor. "Why are you going out with Cole?"

𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍/𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now