time of the month (rc)

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Requested by the lovely JATPWillexlover
I love y'all, have a good week💗

You woke up feeling the worst pressure below your stomach. Your confused mind caught up as you opened your eyes, and you groaned. Your cramps always woke you up at the start of your period.

Usually you know your schedule pretty well, but of course sometimes it is unpredictable. You could already tell you bled onto your sheets and you sat up brushing your hair away from your face.

With eyes half closed, you took off your bedding and trudged to the laundry room. Afterwards you took a quick shower, changed, grabbed a blanket, and fell back into bed.

When you woke the second time, it was light outside. The warm sun coming through your blinds felt like heaven on your skin. You rolled over and grabbed your phone, noticing it was late afternoon.

Rafe had texted you several times.

gm beautiful
still coming over later?
come over whenever!! love u baby

He was still as sweet as he was whenever you first started dating, never failing to make you smile. After responding you got up to take medicine for your cramps. You were in no mood to wear anything besides comfy clothes so you threw on grey sweats and one of your hoodies, well it was Rafe's hoodie of course.

You noticed Toppers car in the driveway and you cursed under your breath, in no way wanting to deal with Rafe's friends. You suddenly felt conscious of your appearance. What if they think you look bad? Is Rafe gonna be grossed out?

Surely he's seen you at your worst but your emotions were at their peak. Reluctantly you opened the front door, already hearing the boys talking.

"Rafe?" You called out, walking towards the living room. "Hey! In here!" He yelled back while standing up from his spot on the couch. As soon as he saw you he smiled wide. "Hi pretty girl."

Topper and Kelce kept their face's glued to the screen, playing a game on xbox. Rafe wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in for a hug. "I like your hoodie." He teased you, knowing he would never get it back, not that he actually cared.

You laughed into his chest, "I like it too." He pulled back and moved one hand to cup your jaw, giving you a quick kiss. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly, "do you not wanna go out anymore?" You opened your mouth to question him but Kelce spoke first.

"Damn y/n what happened to you?" He laughed, throwing his arm over the couch. "Yeah it's fucking summer what's with the sweatsuit?" Topper joined in, making Rafe grimace. "Can y'all shut the fuck up?" He rolled his eyes and looked back at you.

That's when it clicked, there was a party tonight that you all planned to go to. The boys were already dressed and drinking beers. "Shit, I totally forgot I'm sorry... I don't think I'm up for a party."

You shrugged while pulling at the sleeves of the hoodie, feeling embarrassed. "You okay baby what happened?" Rafe spoke quietly just for you to hear. You placed one hand below your stomach, "cramps." You grumbled, avoiding his gaze.

"Come on dude, we have to go it's gonna be sick." Topper whined. "You guys should go, I'll be perfectly fine here." You mustered up a smile. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin his plans.

"No way, I'll stay in with you." He responded without hesitation. "What!" The boys complained, standing up and walking closer. You started shaking your head at your boyfriend, not wanting to upset them.

He waved you off, not changing his mind. "You two go, I'm gonna stay here." The boys scoffed and rolled their eyes. "Boo hoo, get the fuck over it. You won't die without me for one night." You held in a laugh his remark.

"Whatever man, your pussy whipped." The boys grabbed their things and started towards the door. Rafe clenched his jaw, he followed them and held the front door open. "Not my fault no girl wants to sleep with you." He smirked and slammed the door shut.

"Ignore them." You grinned at him as he made his way back to you. "For the record, you look amazing. Smoking hot in my clothes." He squeezed your hips making you blush. "Thank you." You raised up on your toes to kiss him.

"Can I get you anything? Want the heating pad?" You nodded happily and he shooed you over to the couch. "Pick anything you wanna watch, I'll be right back!" He stated as he jogged up the stairs.

You scrolled through multiple genres feeling extremely indecisive. A few short minutes later Rafe returned with his arms full. "Okayyy, heating pad, blanket, and your favorite ice cream." You gasped as he handed you the pint and a spoon.

"Why do you have this?" You questioned, digging right in. "I notice things!" He laughed, giving you a quick wink, "made sure I have some here for this reason exactly." You pouted your lips slightly, feeling so lucky to have Rafe.

Rafe helped adjust the heating pad before cuddling up next to you under the blanket. After a few more minutes of scrolling you both settled on a movie, though you mainly talked the entire time.

Eventually you grew tired, feeling extremely comfy leaning against your boyfriend. "Let's get you to bed yeah?" Rafe whispered, you only nodded your head in response. He effortlessly picked you up, taking you to his room.

He carefully laid you down before joining you. "Thank you for tonight." You raised your hand up and ran your fingers through his hair. "Anything for you." He responded, pulling your closer.

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