Mr. Mom (ds)

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Another request!!
Incase you're confused:
y/d/n: your daughters name
y/s/n: your sons name

"Oh mommy is going to miss you so much!!" You squeezed your little boy and covered his face in kisses. He giggled while trying to get out of your grasp.

You then bent down and used one free arm to pull your daughter close to you and berate her with kisses too. "Mommy you're silly!" She yelled through her laughter.

Drew smiled at the three of you, taking a mental picture of this moment. Your son was eight while your daughter was four. Drew's career had gotten less busy once you were pregnant. He wanted to of course be with you, and the babies, as much as he could.

You typically took on the morning duties but you'd been called in for a last minute work trip. Drew was perfectly capable but it was just kind of how your routine went. He tended to more of the night time and dinner duties.

"Okay, I left the shopping list on the counter and wrote down all of the important times for school and activities." You pulled Drew into a hug and kissed him swiftly, hearing your ride honking outside.

"I love you guys I'll be back soon!" Your son and daughter stood on either side of Drew, waving dramatically until the car was finally out of sight. First order of business, grocery store.

Drew's eyes scanned the list, double checking he had everything they needed. Y/d/n was playing with one of her stuffed animals while y/s/n stood on the cart's bottom rail with his back against Drew's chest.

"Okay I think we've got it all kiddos." Once arriving home both of the kids wanted to help put the groceries away, which was a lot of Drew lifting them in order to reach the shelves.

After dinner they all walked to the ice cream shop just down the road. He smiled as they stood on their tip toes trying to see all of the flavors, you son having to read them to your daughter.

He sat them right outside on the bench, him in between the pair of now sticky kids. Their feet dangled off the edge and Drew was looking back and forth ready to wipe their faces once the ice cream started to drip.

He scarfed down his own ice cream faster than them and laughed as they chattered on about the new episode of Bluey. "There's a new one on tonight!" Y/d/n looked up at Drew with wide eyes. She looked so much like you, it made his heart swell every time he looked at her.

"OH NO! Well then finish your ice cream we gotta catch Bluey!" He threw his hands up in mock distress, making them laugh. Once finished, they raced back to the house, Drew more so hoping this would deplete their toddler energy.

"Keep up dad come on!" Your son yelled, Drew sighed, resting his hands on his knees. "Damn..." He mumbled before hoisting y/d/n on his back and running after y/s/n.

Drew got both kids showered and changed into pajamas. The all snuggled up together on the couch, your daughter giggling in anticipation of her favorite show. There was some yelling and laughing, but Drew still managed to fall asleep.

His head was resting on the back of the couch, hands crossed over his chest. Y/s/n put a finger to his lips, making sure his little sister stayed quiet. He grabbed Drew's phone and clicked your name.

You were settling into your hotel room when you saw the notification, a FaceTime from Drew. You smiled and accepted, sitting back onto the bed. Your smile widened seeing it was both of your babies. "Hi my loves! Where's your dad?"

You furrowed your brows and waited as your son tried to flip the camera. After a second he got it and you laughed at the sight. "What happened?" You asked while they laughed and hushed each other.

"Ice cream and Bluey!" You nodded in confirmation, having been there yourself. "Don't go to bed too late you have school tomorrow mister!" You jokingly scowled at y/s/n, "Ugh mom I know!"

"Okay well I love you guys, take care of dad for me okay?" They both agreed before hanging up. They placed a blanket over Drew and got themselves to bed... well an extra episode may have been watched, but then they went to sleep.

Drew woke up around one in the morning, disoriented and confused. Once getting his bearings he sprung up to check on y/d/n and y/s/n. He let out a sigh of relief, seeing both kids snuggled up in y/s/n's bed. They were still siblings who fought but they were best friends, something you and Drew were proud of.

The days seemed to fly by, settling into a routine came easily. It was now the end of the week, meaning you were coming home.

Drew woke up a bit earlier, he wanted to surprise the kids with pancakes, one of their favorites. He watched on in slight horror as y/d/n drenched hers in syrup. She happily shoveled in a mouthful earning a laugh from her brother.

"dad!" Your son looked down frightened before realizing Drew was joking. He ruffled his hair, leading him out into the car. After dropping off y/s/n, he headed back home with y/d/n, who was still a year away from kindergarten.

They were in the middle of a tea party when you came through the front door announcing, "I'm home!" You set down your duffel bag and squealed when y/d/n came down the stairs. "Mommy!"

"Hi baby oh I missed you!" Drew's mouth quirked up in a smile, he placed a sweet kiss on your lips, his hand resting on your lower back. "How'd it go?" You asked, the three of you walking further into the house.

"It was great, but we missed you." You smirked, scrunching your nose at him. "Well done Mr. mom." You winked, earning a glare from your husband. "Okay well now you have to join the tea party!"

𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍/𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now