Part 13 | Anything can kill you

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Jeongin sighed, leaning his head on the bed frame.

"I want to be alone..." He mumbled, looking at the four older males in the room with him.

Chan sighed, looking down at his hands for a moment. "We can't... we have to protect you" The older teared up as he spoke. "I... I have to protect you!" He said in a shaky voice, clenching his fists.

"What's the use!?" Jeongin said, loudly, causing the older males to look at him a bit stunned.

The younger teared up as he looked away. "It's not we're fighting some zombies or some... some aliens or a monster," Jeongin said in a bit softer tone. "This is something we... we can't win against. Humanity will never win against it" The younger said, looking at all of them with sad eyes.

The older males found no words to muster as they looked down.

"Please leave me some time to myself..." Jeongin requested, and reluctantly, the others accepted, wanting to respect the boy's wishes. What else can they even do?

Jeongin let out a sigh once the older males finally left him alone in the room. He held his knees, sobbing into them as he thought of the three bandmates he had lost within the last 24 hours.

He thought of Felix; the first time he had met him. He was a funny guy who didn't even know Korean and his mispronouncings were hilarious back then. And not to mention how he knocked everyone off their feet with that voice of his.

Felix was like a ball of sunshine. He missed him already. But he knew he could never hold him again.

His mind then raced to Hyunjin; oh how he yarned to look as perfect as he did. To Jeongin, Hyunjin was an idol of confidence. He'd show off his bare face proudly and would often tell his members they were perfect with and without makeup. Oh, how he wishes he had that confidence.

He then thought of Seungmin, and his mind blurry the moment he does so. Tears filled his eyes, silver-lined rivers making their way out of them. He was his best friend and his partner in crime.

He loved him.

He loved them all... so much.

And that is why it hurt so much.

Jeongin sighed, getting off his bed and walking to the bathroom. He looked at himself through the mirror as soon as he walked in and saw nothing more than the corpse of an almost-dead man. Four of his older friends were still keeping him from falling apart completely.

He sighed, walking closer to the mirror on the cabinet. He stared at his puffy eyes for a small moment before opening the cabinet, and just as he did so, something flew out of it, startling him.

Jeongin tried to stay calm, but he couldn't as it wasn't just any insect; but a wasp.

He knew those things were deadly. And he knew this was death's attempt.

But a little hope in his grew. If he could kill it... does he mean he gets another chance to live?

He grabbed a shampoo bottle and swung it at the flying creature, attempting to hit it. The wasp spun around him, getting dangerously close to his eye but Jeongin eventually managed to land a powerful hit on it at the same time.

He let out a sigh and walked toward the bathtub to see if it really was dead, but as he walked on the tiles with his attention set on the bug, he did not notice the small soap bar on the floor.

He stepped on it and felt himself slipping immediately, and before he knew it, he fell, hitting his spine on the side of the bathtub. He heard his own bones crack and an immense pain was felt all over his spine, spreading to the rest of his body within seconds.

He cried out in pain and tried to reach for the curtains by the bathtub to pull himself up. But as he tried that, the curtains fall onto his face, wrapping around him in a way that blocked him from breathing.

Jeongin felt suffocated and he tried to move his arms desperately, but every inch he moved, his spine hurt more and he suffocated even more.

He felt his lungs panic to save him from choking on the carbon dioxide instead of air, but painful moments pass... and he met his demise as his lungs and heart failed him.

The heartbreaking discovery of his death was made by Changbin when he came just a few moments later to check on the boy.

Everyone cried endless tears again and Changbin even refused to let go of Jeongin's cold, lifeless body. 

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