Part 6 | Where is Yongbokie?

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"Is that a coincidence?" The younger asked, almost tearing up.

Jisung, who was also close by, tensed up. He walked closer to the rest of the boys, wanting someone to hold him and luckily, Hyunjin noticed and wrapped his arms around Jisung to comfort him.

Chan looked at Minho, unable to answer the question. He was shaken up a little and he could still hear his heartbeat. The fact that he came to a near-death experience twice did not seem like a 'coincidence' anymore.

"H-How about we all stay here? I think this is a safe place..." Chan said, taking Minho's hand and walking over to the rest of the boys. They were standing in the middle of the set; no lights were above them.

Minho was silent for a moment until his eyes widened. He looked around.

That's right. Felix. Where was he!?

"Felix... Chan! Felix!" Minho quickly said, turning to Chan. The older blonde felt his heart drop, finally getting that uneasy feeling that Minho kept describing them.

They all felt it now.




Felix walked calmly in the hallway, doing some light skips as he made his way to the set. He then noticed that the lights in the hallway were flickering oddly, but didn't give much thought to it.

The blonde had just done with his insane elvish makeup for the new album and he was just excited for his fan's reactions.

He walked calmly, knowing there was still a while before the video shooting starts and he did not want to ruin his makeup by running and sweating.

On his way, however, something catches his eye.

Felix stopped walking and turned his head, eyes widening when he saw the giant vending machine.

"This was the new installment? Oh my god..." The freckled boy was awed, stepping closer to the machine and touching the glass.

Suddenly, the light above his head flickered before turning off, surprising him a little.

He looked up for a moment and then shook his head a little, chuckling. He then picked out some money from his pocket and placed it in the vending machine before choosing a canned drink.

What could go so wrong with getting a refreshment before a music video shooting?

Felix pressed the button and waited, watching how this machine, unlike the rest, rotates its contents with the help of strong metal arms connected to a motor inside.

He watched in fascination as the drink he wanted then dropped down, but didn't quite roll out of where it should.

He furrowed his eyebrows, stepped closer to the machine and placed both his hands on the glass, and looked down, seeing that it may be reachable by hand.

He then stepped back and looked at all the warnings on the machine, seeing if any of it had a warning about putting a hand into the vending machine.

A relieved smile spread across his face when he saw that the only warning like that was "Don't put a hand through while contents are rotating"

Felix took a second and a final glance at the machine, seeing that everything was as still as stone as he reached his hand inside to grab the can.

He felt the cold metal of the can at his fingertip and he reached in deeper, accidentally pushing the can dangerously close to the motor.

Cautiously, he reached in any way, and right as he grabbed the can, he let out a happy chuckle.

He then tried to retract his hand back but found that he wasn't able to pull it out as somehow, the opening that he pushed his hand through was now smaller.

"What?" Felix murmured, trying again and then he let out a small laugh, wondering how people would react if they saw him like that right now. It really was silly of him.

He decided to try a few more times but then gave up and called for help. A voice echoed in the hallway with no response and he sighed as he waited.

But then, all of a sudden, he heard a sound from the machine. He quickly turned his head to it and saw that the motor was starting on its own.

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