Part 4 | Escaping death

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Minho ran to Chan right when the older turned around to call him. Chan gave the younger a small smile, patting the seat next to him but Minho shook his head violently.

"We're getting off this plane! now!" Minho yelled, causing everyone in the first class to stare at him.

Chan tried to hush Minho and raised an eyebrow. "Why?" The blonde asked, curiously.

Minho felt his heart thump as he looked around and then at Chan. "It's gonna crash! Chan please, w-we all need to get off this!" Minho shuddered, his hands beginning to tremble.

Chan furrowed his eyebrows and gently held Minho's trembling hands and then smiled at him. "I know you're scared of flying, but it's okay. We're all here" The older said, trying their best to soothe Minho who only grew more frustrated.

"No! we're all going to die! we need to get off this flight!!" Minho teared up as he screamed even louder, causing the assistant captain to walk out of the cockpit to see the chaos himself.

"What's going o-"

"Please get everyone off this plane! It's going to crash and fall apart a-a-and"

"Sir," The assistant captain said, sending a small glare at Minho.

"Please trust us. We are taking full responsibility for everything and your behaviour is stressing out everyone else. If you don't stop, I'll have to have you and your group off this plane" He said in a calm voice.

Minho shook his head and looked at Chan who was sighing and rubbing his temple.

No one was taking him seriously.

"No! not just us! everyone needs to get off!! even you! we'll all-"

"Minho, stop!" Chan yelled, raising his voice as he stood up. Minho shook his head, his voice trembling as he kept on arguing until the assistant captain raised his hand in the air, silencing everyone.

"Get off this plane. Your tickets may be refunded back at the checkout" He said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. Chan turned to the man with an apologetic expression, trying to say something but he was dismissed as the man shook his head and showed them the door.

The eight of them got off the plane along with their manager and three other workers from their company.

Minho walked ahead of the group, trying to avoid his friends as they approached him. He heard the plane take off and a sigh of relief washes over him as he realized that they weren't on the runway of death anymore.

Or so he thought.

It only took them a few minutes to get their tickets refunded and they were now waiting inside the departures gate again, waiting for a flight that would arrive a few hours later.

Minho didn't have that eerie, uneasy feeling anymore, but that didn't mean he could rest, as he received 7 pairs of angry eyes after that.

Chan sighed and stood up, turning to Minho who sat alone, a few seats away.

"Why did you do that? Why would you do that? You're an idol Minho, not a kid!" Chan said out of frustration, walking over to the younger.

"We are losing so much time because of that stunt you just pulled! The chance of a plane crash is one in a-"

"I had a dream! and everything I saw was happening!" Minho cut him off, standing up in front of him. Chan shook his head, biting the insides of his cheek as he looked away from Minho.

"A dream.. a dream! do you realize-"Chan started again, but then stopped when people started walking toward the glass wall, looking at the sky as they let out shocked screams and gasps.

Chan turned around and saw even his members walking toward the crowd, looking up at the sky through the glass in shock. He ran over to them and out of curiosity, he stared up at the sky as well.

The plane he was supposed to get on was tearing apart, and black dots that looked like ants from afar, humans in reality, were being thrown into the air.

Chan's breath got caught in his throat as he turned to face Minho who looked at the sky with a pale face.

With a shaky breath, Chan uttered. "How... did you know...?"

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