Part 9 | Attempt to escape death

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"Hyunjin, stop! you can't do this!!" Seungmin and Chan yelled after him as they ran up the stairs along with Hyunjin. It had been about 45 minutes since they all got together and learned about Felix's death.

"I don't want death to come at me when I don't know!" Hyunjin screamed through tears as he made his way up the stairs. The rest of the members chased after him, desperate to reach him.

After a while of running, the group made it to the rooftop and Hyunjin walked over to the edge, getting on top of the concrete wall while the rest of them screamed and ran to him.

"Jinnie no!!" Seungmin screamed so loud that his voice cracked and Hyunjin broke in tears while he turned around to glance at his members.

"Don't do this! please!" Changbin begged, coming closer to Hyunjin in an attempt to get him off the wall but then stopped when Hyunjin stepped back a little, even closer to the edge.

"I don't have time anymore..." Hyunjin sighed, looking down at his feet. "I will die anytime soon and I know, whatever it is would be worse than this!! let me... let me meet death." He spoke in a quiet, broken voice as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"No... no no no.. please..! Hyunjin!" Chan screamed, clenching his chest as he looked at Hyunjin with a begging expression.

The long-haired male looked at each of his crying bandmates.

He looked at Chan, his leader. He remembered how he cared for him, how he helped him feel safe, and how he learned so many things from him.

He looked at Minho, a buddy he would often annoy despite being scared of. He remembered their cute little fights and he couldn't help but smile sadly, remembering how the older one resorted to stuffing his mouth with tissues.

A sad laugh left Hyunjin's lip as he then looked at Jisung, who looked shaken and broken. He was definitely his best friend. To think he hadn't liked him when they met and now, loving him like family created a special bond between the two.

He looked at Seungmin, who was crying uncontrollably. A boy he always found adorable like a puppy- a voice he would miss. If Seungmin survives longer, Hyunjin wanted to hear his voice from heaven, at least once.

He glanced at the maknae too who was begging him not to do this. His fox-like eyes were a cascade of salty water as he cried his heart out. Hyunjin would miss poking his dimples every now and then.

His eyes then turned to Changbin, who stood a little closer to him than the rest. He was crying too and holding his hand out for him. Hyunjin sighed, turning around and Changbin felt his tear apart as he watched the long-haired male open his eyes.

"I love you guys... " Hyunjin said in a soft voice, closing his eyes as a single tear left them. "Thank you for everything..." He muttered before stepping forward.

Within seconds, he felt himself falling, the air around him moving, and with a hard thud, he crashed to the ground, everything going black in an instant.

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