Ch 13: Beef

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Raven pov:

"H-hey Ezra..."

"Are you two...?"

Looking at the half naked woman beside me and myself I feel my face grow hotter. I pushed her back and hopped over the back of the couch but it was more like falling over it. Standing up I face her and take in her appearance.

She looks dirty with mud and forest covering her. Her clothes are torn and tattered from shifting and she looked to have some fading bruises. She stood up taller and came closer to me with a neutral expression.

"What were you two doing?" She looked at me briefly but turned her gaze behind me. I could tell she was looking at Valarie.

"She was feeding and I was helping?" My face was burning. The recent memories of her kisses and feeding lit a fire in me.

"I was feeding till you rudely interrupted, so why don't you fuck off so we can continue." Turning my head I see Val stand up from where I pushed her and move closer to us.

"I'm not leaving, I was here first." Ezra growled at her. They moved closer to each other and looked ready to fight one another from the looks of it.

"Fine, but I intend to finish my meal. The least you could do is fuck off for a few minutes." Val grabbed me and pulled me into her front. I shouldn't be enjoying them fighting, especially if it's over me but it felt like I was having my twilight moment.

"Like hell I'm gonna let you suck her dry, you vampiric fuck." Ezra grabbed me and tried pulling me closer to her but Val kept her grip on me strong.

"Okay! Alright, let's not rip me apart." I pulled myself from both their grips. They turned their attention to me with both of their arms crossed.

"I want to talk with you Raven." Ezra said first. A burning look in her eyes.

"Fuck that, I want to talk to her." Val side eyed her, trying to move closer to me.

"How about I talk to you both separately. I'll be right back, Ezra, give me one minute. Maybe you can shower while we talk really quick." I grab Val and pulled her with me before she could taunt the other woman. Dragging her to the kitchen I make sure Ezra can't hear or see us, at least as best as I can.

"Why are you being a dick to her?" I whispered quietly to her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"She interrupted my feeding. I was rather enjoying myself." She said off-handedly. I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You can feed later. I haven't seen her in almost 3 weeks. Just be nice for like two minutes."

"Why? I'm still hungry and you smell delicious." She smirked and stepped closer. I backed up against the table as she pinned me to it.


"You tasted sweet. Your blood and your lips." She moved close enough to ghost her lips over mine. I groaned and pressed a hand to her chest.

"I uhm, you're really close. Maybe you could-" I'm silenced when she captures my lips again. I gasped and clutched onto her bare shoulders, trying to summon enough willpower to move back.

"You taste so fucking good." She groaned into the kiss. She made quick work by lifting me up onto the table and moving her mouth to my neck.

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