Ch 11: Vampire Friend?

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Raven pov:

I'm sad to say that I haven't seen Ezra in a few days. After the night at Old Haven I haven't seen her. I think she thinks I'm still scared of her. Although I was scared of her that night I'm no longer scared of her now, I know she'd never hurt me.

On the bright side I didn't have to worry about David coming after Dre because well… Ezra ate him. Pushing that aside I've been waiting for Valarie to show up so I could cancel our agreement or at least make an offer for her to let it go.

I told Dre that he was able to go home now but I also told him that I'd be okay if he stopped by just as frequently. He agreed and promised to see me soon, he needed to fix up his house. As for me I've just been working for the past few days, trying to keep my mind off Ezra being gone.

When work finished I went home and filled my mind with more occult stuff, anything to keep myself from thinking about her. Tonight would be a little different. I was chatting with a friend from a server I frequented when a crashing sound came from my kitchen.

Grabbing a gun with silver bullets in it I make my way to the noise, keeping the gun ready to shoot any type of creature or intruder. Rounding the corner I see Valarie hurt and looking pissed. She clutched a wound on her front, her eyes red and her teeth bare.

"Oh… hey?" I lowered the gun from pointing at her.

"Fucking help me you idiot!" She hissed and fell to the floor more. Going over I open the fridge and pull out one of the blood packs she left here last time.

Handing it to her seemed to be the right choice. She greedily sucked it down and let out a sigh. I watched the wound start to heal and close up. Whenever Valarie got hurt there wasn't much blood but this time there was some. Usually her blood is thick and so dark red that it almost looked black.

"What happened to you?" I crouched down near her, watching her eyes turn back to the normal blue.

"A pack of wolves happened. Snarling bastards tried ripping me alive." It was now I noticed the other wounds on her. It was dark and with the way she was clutching her biggest wound made it hard to see the other ones.

"Sorry. Do you need anything else?" I offered to her. She lifted a brow and leaned against my wall for support.

"You are sad. Why? What happened to you?" She narrowed her eyes on me. I tried to avoid the look but it was so intense that I caved easily.

"I haven't seen Ezra in a few days. She might think I'm still scared of her?" I sighed and sat beside her, leaning my head against the wall.

"Scared of her? Why's that? She's like a mangy little puppy. There's nothing scary about her." Valarie spat out. I chuckled a little and nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah she is pretty nice. She showed me this place called Old Haven and we saw David there. He tried to attack us but she defended me and well… she ate him?" I was still unsure if what I saw was real. It looked horrific and scared the shit out of me which took a lot, I look at mangled dead bodies for a living.

"Oh, I see. That explains why she's gone missing and why I haven't seen the man. She'll be back around, maybe in a hundred years or so-"

"A hundred years?! I won't be alive then!"

"That's not my fault. I'm just explaining that-"

"Why?! Why is she going to disappear for so long? So what she scared me a little, I'm not scared anymore." I defended myself. Valarie rolled her eyes and stood to her shaky legs.

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