Ch 7: Problems

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Raven pov:

Getting home from work I immediately ran for my computer, hoping to set up some sort of plan to find the wolf hunting me. I got so lost in thought and the plan that I didn't notice Ezra till she touched my shoulder. 

"Oh, hey! Has anyone documented the inside of the woods? Cause there's noth-"

"Why'd you kiss me?!" Her face was red and she looked embarrassed. I was confused. Sure it was weird but it was just a kiss.

"Sorry. I didn't want Charles figuring out you took evidence." I pointed to her pocket where I knew the tooth resided.

"So... you didn't kiss me because you like me?" She tilted her head confused and I found it adorable.

"I mean we're friends for sure-"

"Then why would you resort to kissing?" She crossed her arms and turned her head from me. Her face is still decently red from embarrassment.

"People don't question or like PDA so I did it to get charles off our back." I truly didn't know why she was freaking out about it.

"Kisses are intimate Raven, you dont kiss friends." She threw her hands up with a frustrated look on her face. She still looked more embarrassed then anything.

"Im sorry? Look I wont kiss you again if itll make you feel better?" I offered to the woman.

"Yes. Thank you. It was nice but i dont want the wrong signals being out out." She cleared her throat and defnded herself weakly with a small smile.

"Yoire weird. It was just a kiss? Not like they meant anything." I shrugged my shoulders and went back to what I was doing. Ezra on the other hand spun me around to face her.

"We need to clear the air and our chemistry." I was so confused by what she meant but went along with it so she didn't freak out.

"Okay, how do we do that?" I stood from my computer and gave her my full attention.

"Easy. We set boundaries. Like no kissing between friends." She held her hand out to shake. I was still confused.

"You think if I don't agree to this then I'll keep trying to kiss you?" I lifted a brow, looking at the hand offered to me.

"Yes. You can't help it though, most women fall for the charm of a wolf. Especially me." She gave a cocky smile. Swatting her hand away I crossed my arms.

"Ezra I'm not gonna jump your bones and I have no desire to kiss you at all." I tried to calm her but she scrunched her brows together. She's really cute.

"At all? Like none at all?" She sounded offended which didn't make sense. We're supposed to be over this by now so I can keep working.

"None. It was a kiss of distraction and not of pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less."

"So you don't want to kiss me right now?" She placed her hands on her hips and looked at me like I was stupid.

"Not necessarily, no. Do you wanna kiss me?" I pointed a finger at her. She made a weird face and shook her head no.

"Nope. Why would I? Hah, jokes, right?" She patted my shoulder but her face just kept the weird look.

"Ezra would you feel better if I let you kiss me?"

"Let me?! I-"

"Would you?" I lifted a brow at the woman, waiting for her to answer already.

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