Ch 32: Old Love

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Azrael pov:

After the train incident I was punished by Amilia, she said it was dangerous and that I shouldn't have put our sons through that. I was forced to sit on my knees and listen to her list why it was stupid and dangerous for 2 hours. The boys tried defending me but they ended up in the same fate.

Besides the chaos of it all I was happy to be home, my mind is more at ease after the mission. When we got home Athena gave me the biggest hug and begged me to take her to the state fair in town. I agreed to do so over the phone with amilia, so I was forced into this now.

That was 3 days ago. My body is in pain but not as much as I thought. It hurt to move and breathe, along with my right hand being slightly swollen with my knuckles being broken. I had some cuts and bruises on me but it was fine, it was nothing compared to the year of torture I endured.

Today we would be going to the fair with not only Artemis and Hades but the boys' significant others. I have no favorites when it came to my kids but I am especially protective of Athena. I still believe no man or woman is good enough for my little girl.

That's not to say I don't think the same for my sons. Amilia and I made sure to raise them right and to treat their future partners with love and respect. No hoe shit. They don't need to take after us in the department. Still, I didn't trust anyone with my sons. They're my little boys, my favorite guys.

This made it hard to accept that they were dating now. Amilia assured me that the kids they were dating were nice and good, she said I even knew one. I still didn't like them dating. She scolded me and assured me that it would be fine so I listened to her.

Coming down the steps I'm nearly tackled by Athena when she jumps at me. Catching her easily, I hook my hands under her arms and spin her around. She was a decent weight for her age but it was nothing for me. I've lifted grown men with ease.

"We're about to leave! I'm so excited! I want cotton candy and salted popcorn and I wanna ride the rides!" She shouted happily in my grasp. Setting her down made her walk around dizzily before gaining her bearring.

"Is everyone ready?" I walked towards the group. Athena lodged herself on one of my legs and giggled everytime I lifted it with her on.

"We're just waiting for- Oh! They're here!" Ryker stopped talking when the doorbell rang. I narrowed my gaze and crossed my arms.

Amilia came up beside me and handed me my jacket for the evening. I stuck to a simple black crew neck shirt and some dark jeans with boots and a jacket. She kissed my cheek and giggled as the kids came in.

"Try not to scare them. They're just kids." She whispered to me. I grunted and watched my sons pull their partners over.

"Dad you briefly met her once, this is Lyla!" Ryker motioned happily to his girlfriend. She was a cute little girl, red hair, blue eyes, freckles, and a button nose to pull it all together. I don't like her.

"Dad… you know Oliver." Arthur motioned to his boy friend. I knew Oliver well, he and my son have been friends for years. It made me smile to see the kid looking nervous when getting closer to me. Medium Brown hair, brown eyes, beauty marks, French, he looks like a pretty boy. I don't like him either.

"It's a pleasure to meet you! No I'm sorry that was too loud." He shouted but calmed down, the nerves were getting to him.

"Ryker talks about you a lot." Lyla held her hand out to me. I looked her over and gently took her hand.

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