Ch 15: A Rivals Truth

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Azrael pov:

Artemis crashes in the guest bedroom when Amilia offered it last night. We talked a little more about Mr. Midnight and what to do about him, nothing else too in depth though. When morning came I was up early with the kids.

It being the weekend made us stick to training. We did heavy weight training with Athena joining every now and then but mostly being our cheerleader. When it was time to spar, Amilia and Artemis were up and mingling about.

I grew irritated when the raven haired woman came up to me. The boys were wrestling on the mat outside while I watched and gave them pointers.

"They are amateurs?" She crossed her arms and motioned to the kids with a smile.

"Yes, don't bother them though." She snickered and pushed me. I glared at her but she smirked.

"No, never. I only ask because I can tell. They fight like you… weakly." I could feel a vein in my forehead about to burst because of her comment.

"You think you're better than me?" I chuckled darkly, eyeing her with anger. She shakes her head and clicks her teeth with a smile.

"No, no, no of course not… I know I'm better than you." She held a cocky smile and it only pissed me off more.

"Alright! Boys off the mat, Frenchie, get your ass up there." I growled out, pulling a bit of my hair into a small bun.

"Fantastique!" She happily walked with me over to the mat, stripping her shirt to leave her in a sports bra and some shorts.

"Oh boy." I could hear Arthur mumble.

"Kick her ass dad!" Ryker cheered for me, pumping his fist in excitement.

Amilia came out to see us squaring up to fight each other. She seemed a little dazed when she got closer. It was like she was a million miles from here. I watched as she crouched down towards Athena and place her hands on her shoulders.

"Athena, sweetie, I need you to listen to me." She held a weird smile on her face when speaking to our daughter. I was a little taken aback when Artemis threw the first punch.

"Mom, you're scaring me." Athena told her. I avoided a leg sweep and sent a roundhouse towards her head.

"Listen. Sometimes dreams can come true. Even your dreams." She smiled at her while a look of peace crept across her face. Artemis blocked the attack and retaliated with a kick to my chest.

"Really!? I can kill all men?" She grabbed onto Amilia's shoulders and shook her, a small evil smile on her lips. I fell back and rolled away to avoid another attack.

"Thena! Lia!" I shouted at them, to get them to stop talking creepily.

"Yes princess. One day your dream will come true." They hugged and happily smiled while I was slowly getting my ass kicked.

"It's like you're not even trying Mon Cheri." Artemis cackled. Flipping back up to my feet I backed up to adjust my stance.

"Come on dad!"
"Be careful!"

The boys shouted from the sidelines while I focused. Seeing her stance and fighting style I quickly changed my own, letting out a deep breath. She smiled and bounced on her heels, waiting for me to strike.

"Elle est là. Tu prends ça au sérieux ma chérie." She snickered and moved closer to me. When she got within reach she threw quick precise strikes at me.

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