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Harper's Pov

"Two, THREE!" I ran into the passenger seat as Griffin hopped in the driver's. I watched as the police came out out the forest and into their cars. "GO!" I never thought a reunion would start by running from the police. He hit the gas, and just like that we were off. I rolled down the window and looked at the police cars. "Griffin, they're catching up to us!" I said.

He slammed on the gas as the chilly air blew in my face. I started at the car for so long I thought my head would explode. But it didn't. The car did. I watched the car's wheels stop spinning and it flip over, the screams of the officers inside. I watched as the car engulfed in flames and the horrid smell that followed. Griffin stopped the car and we both stepped out, looking at the wreckage. It lit up the dark night sky. There was no one else on the dark forresty road we were on. I heard the officers inside wailing and shouting for help as the car continued to burn. I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

"Look what we've done! " Griffin shouted. "We just killed those officers!". He nudged my shoulder, but I couldn't look away. It was like I was stuck looking at the damage and destruction. I kept on starting till the black smoke burnes my lungs and made my head dizzy. Me and Griffin drove to the Tremont in silence.

We arrived there, my hands quivering. Griffin parked his fathers car while I waited in the passenger seat. "Its time," he said.
We walked in, me behind him. There were no guests roaming around. Just our parents waiting for Griffin at the door. "Where have you been!" His mom yelled. "Do you know what time it is?" She said.

I watched from behind Griffin as his parents shouted at him. I the came through the door. Everyone went silent. My mom gazed at my with watery eyes and came over to give me a hug. She smelt like coffee and perfume from bath and body works and everything else a mom is supposed to smell like.

After the longest high of my life, we pulled away. It was silent around us, but it didn't matter to me. My mom had a smile on her face as she looked at me. "You changed your hair?" She asked. I ran a hand through my 2 toned locks. "Yup," I said. We both had a chuckle.

Griffin's dad broke the silence.

"You two better have the best explanation for this, or you're both grounded until 2021." Me and Griffin shared a look. Then my mom said, "Guys, just go upstairs, I'm tired. So we did. My first sleepover after coming back.

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