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Harpers Pov

It has been exactly 3 weeks since I left Louisiana. And I'm almost ready to go back. So lets recap.

  Week one:

I learnt that I'm able to see the future on command. I also made friends with melody.

  Week two:

Apparently I can move stuff with my mind, but no control over it. Missing home.

  Week 3:

I can move light objects intentionally, but it gives me a headache. However, I've packed my bags to go home.

  ~~~~Back to the present~~~

I looked at melody, she was focused on helping pack my bags.
  "I still can't believe you already want to go home, you haven't even been here for a month!" Melody said

  " I miss my family." I mumbled, embarrassed.

  "Can we do one last thing, like a special sendoff?" Melody asked.

"Like what?"

"Why don't we change your look? Dye your hair, new wardrobe?"

"I guess so."

  Not only did I dye my hair half white half black, but I got a new wardrobe.

  "I look like a goth mom" I said. And I really did. Melody did my makeup and it was very out of my style. My eyes were lined with black and my lips were dark on the edges with red on the inside.

"You look great!" She said.

"Yeah right."

I tugged on the hem of my shirt. It had black and maroon stripes, not what I would usually wear.  I was wearing some bootcut jeans as well.  On top of the new wardrobe I had to take home, I also had a bunch a new accessories. Well, not new, seeing as we got them from a thrift store. I was wearing a lovers eye necklace. I picked out two. One for me and one for Griffin. Mine was the color of his eyes, hazel Brown.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a different person. Split hair, gothic makeup, a weird necklace. The old me would've hated it. But I liked it.

  I looked at my bag, sitting on the bed with the sheets made. Melody sat next to it.

"Thanks melody, for everything." I said. I held both of her hands in mine.

  "No problem, but you might wanna leave before the Boss finds out your gone." She replied. We stood there for a moment, both realizing that this might be the last time we see one another.

  Then something inexplicable happened.

  She kissed me.

Her lips were soft against my own, her mouth smelling of mint.  She pulled away, gazing at my lips. "Um, I- I have to go." I stuttered. We walked down the stairs in silence. The windows have no light shining through them, the result of a moonless night. "Goodbye, Melody" I said.

  I slipped out the front door, the wind hitting my hair.

  And with that, I left.

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