A swimsuit flew around my room

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Harper's POV

We walked back to the Tremont, taking about any and everything. Talking about the future and the past and the present.

   I was getting irritated by the fact that it felt like winter in Canada. It was the coldest I've ever felt in a long time. "When are we going to get back?" I grumbled. A cold wind blew threw, making me and the trees shiver.

  The wind made the trees shake, like they were going to fall down. "Harper, what's happening!" Griffin asked. We stopped walking and we stood there, dumbstruck. Branches started to fly around and leaves swirled in the air. It wasn't a tornado, it was worse. "We should leave" Griffin grabbed my hand and stared to run, yanking me along. The mess seemed to follow us.

I could see the Tremont, and me and Griffin let go of each other and sprinted into the landing. I saw the strange wind pick up dust and dirt and grass and throw it at me and Griffin. However, through the mess I could see the stuff we left at the springs. Towels and clothes. They were desposited right in front of us. I stared straight into the storm and thought over and over ' stop stop stop stop ' and it did. Right there.

  "Strange" Griffin said. We went inside, trying to act like everything was normal. We both went up to his room and got dressed for the day. I wore a black shirt with my favorite pair of miss me jeans and a safe green cardigan. Griffin wore a black pink Floyd shirt and some jeans he found in the back of his drawers. "You look nice," he said. I could feel my face heat up. "Thanks, you too" I responded, turning my face away. "You should kiss him," I thought. Why am I thinking likes this. Why do I like it?

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