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Harper's POV ( TW: BLOOD)

I woke up on the floor of Griffin's bathroom, him peering over me. "Are you awake?" He said. " Well no crap Sherlock." I replied bluntly. However I was happy to be awake.

As I sat on his bathroom counter Griffin kneeled under me looking for first aid items in the cupboard. " What else can he do in this position," I thought. Pushing that away, I was relived when he came back up. A musty first aid kit was in his hands, along with hydrogen peroxide and some cotton balls. "This might hurt," he said.

I hopped off the counter and took a good look at myself. There was a gash on my face with dried blood and debris on it. I could see through my shirt a red stain where that thing must have cut me. " Judging by the fact that I'm still alive, I don't think that cut is very deep." I declared. "You're still going to need to change your shirt," Griffin said. " Turn around or close your eyes!" I squealed before lifting up my shirt to see the damage.

Ignoring my ever so present ribs I looked at the cut. It was just above where my bra started, and thank goodness for that. It would awkward having Griffin touching me there. Not saying that I didn't't want it.

Letting my shirt fall down, I whispered, " Ok, you can look now. " He spun around before exiting the bathroom. He came back with one of his shirts. "Do you wanna wear this?" I took the shirt from his hands.

We really do wear a different size now. Before, we could share clothes and no one would bat an eye. Now if we shared clothes they wouldn't fit in the slightest.

Griffin wordlessly turned around as I pulled on the shirt. It smelled like him. Like the funny plastic of his guitar picks and the 3 in 1 shampoo he has and like the downy laundry detergent he never abandons.

The shirt had the name of a rock band I didn't know, but that was ok. "Time to clean your wounds," Griffin said, slowly turning around.

"KNOCK KNOCK!" "Griffin, why are you still in the bathroom. It's Zoey."

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