Words can't describe

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Griffins POV

Words can't describe how much I love her. How much I cherish her. How much I care.

  Words can't describe how much it hurts me to be away from her, if only for a day. How much it hurts me to see her stressed or troubled.

   How I stress over saying the right thing to make her laugh, then replaying her laugh in my head over and over.

How much heart skips a beat when I ask a question and suddenly she's telling me the whole of art history, over explaining  her favorite moment.

  Yet these past few months have been devoid of her happiness. Now, between the visions, keeping secrets and raising the grade daisy dropped, Harper's worn out.

Her smile has been replaced by an ever permanent frown, and her sparkling eyes are now dark, matching the teenage underneath them.

  Her comically large appetite was replaced with pushing around food on her tray and staring dully when we go get ice cream. Her large sweaters concealing ribs that are a little too present and wrists worn skinnier.

Today it storms outside, grey and dark. I hope Harper is asleep somewhere, peacefully dreaming of sunshine and going surfing and eating to her hearts content. Until I see her again I can only hope she will answer her phone.


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