The Clock is Ticking

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Betrayal, that was what Rosabell felt. But she wasn't angry nor sad, she didn't really know what she felt. Because if there was something life had teached her it was to never take anything for granted, even by the ones that she loved.

Elena wished she could have done something different to save her aunt, she blamed herself for her death. She blamed herself for making her family's life a mess.

Jeremy, the youngest of them, had built up a wall between him and his emotions.

The Gilbert sibling had once again lost a person that was their safety, the warm light in the darkness. And today was the day that they would say their last farewell to Jenna, but also John. Rosabell didn't know her uncle very well, but in the end he showed his kindness and that would save Elena once again from death.

Rosabell slipped in her black shoes and slowly walked down the stairs. The house was quiet, all the joy and happiness in the house was gone. Outside on the porch sat Jeremy fiddling with the ring that once belonged to their dad and uncle. "Life can't get worse than this, right?" Jeremy said and scoffed.

"I'm sorry that you have lost so many people." Rosabell said lowly and sat down beside him.

"I'm sorry that your boyfriend turned out to be an asshole." Jeramy said and looked at her sister as she rolled her eyes by his comment.

"Do you remember what Jenna would say about men?" She asked and Jeremy just shook his head. "That it's better that they show their true self before you there is no return from their grasp." She said and walked towards the car.

It was like nature was mourned with the. The sky was dark and thunder could be heard the whole day, and as the funeral began the sky cried with them. People took turns placing flowers on the tombstones and after Rosabell's turn was done she slowly walked away from the funeral. She couldn't get herself to cry, it felt like Klaus won if she did.

Damon saw that Rosabell left and silently made his way towards her. "I think I'll skip the coffee and cakes." He said when he walked up to her. Rosabells gaze was empty and Damon almost felt her sorrow. Without even hesitating he embraced his...friend. "It's gonna be okay, we will hunt down that bastard. That I do promise you."

Damon groaned in pain and stepped back, he took a hold of his arm as he continued to groan. "Damon, let me look." Rosabell said as she realised something was seriously wrong with him.

"No, I'm okay." He insisted but Rosabell was even more stubborn and the vampire slowly pulled up his sleeve and revealed the nasty werewolf bite.

"My God, Damon." She exclaimed as low as she could, trying not to draw any attention from the others. "How do we cure this?"

"There is no cure."

"You found a way to keep Elena human when there was none, so we will find a way to cure you." She insisted.


Damon poured himself another glass of bourbon and drank it all in one go. He moved towards the big window and opened the curtains, letting the sun shine on his body. He looked down on his hand and the sun shone on the ring on his finger. Damon slowly started to remove the ring and dropped it on the floor. The sun burned his skin and he opened his arms letting the sun consume him.

Rosabell let out a loud sigh and dragged the curtain over the window again. "Not today." She said and flipped a page in the book she was holding in her hands.

"Rosa, you know what happened to Rose." He said flatly.

"Well, you're not dying today." She said and closed the book and threw it on the bed. "Stefan!" She called out, "Your brother tried killing himself ...again."

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