Second Encounter

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"Look at you! The best waitress in town." Damon said to Rosa with a smirk on his lips. Rosabell was cleaning up a table at the Mystic Grill and watched Damon finishing his fifth glass of Bourbon. She had worked at Mystic Grill before her parents death, but took a break from it during the summer. And when she asked Roberta, the owner, if she could start working on the weekends she said yes. It was a good distraction from the craziness that was going on, vampire's, witches, even vampire hunters.

"The sheriff is starting to believe that vampires can walk in the sun." Damon sucked in annoyance while making small circles with his finger around the glass edge as Rosa made her way behind the bar. "Which means I'm no longer cleared from the suspect list."

"You don't think that she's clearing you when you're delivering vervain to the- what did you call it? The Founders Council?" Rosa asked as she eyed Damon, knowing that he was up to something.

"Well that's the problem. I don't know what she's thinking, and I can't compel her to tell me since she's on vervain."

Rosa looked at him and put a glass of water in front of him. "Drink up. You can't live on Bourbon." He looked at her in disegree, but took a sip of the plain boring water. "Just wondering. Have you ever compelled me?" She asked him.

Damon wasn't expecting her to ask him that and choked on the water. "What! No, no. I wouldn't do that to my... friend." He exclaimed, "Why are you asking!?"

"Oh nothing, just wondering." Rosa replied and smiled. The truth was that she had started to remember the night of the Halloween party. She felt disappointed at him for not telling her the truth, but she was even more disappointed in her sister for 'trying to protect her and Jeremy'.

More and more people started to show up to the Grill during the evening. Apparently Caroline was throwing a party. Rosa had just finished her shift and all she wanted was to lay down in her bed. But Caroline had begged her to stay at least an hour, and since she didn't want to start arguing with her, she decided to stay for a bit. She sat in the bar, fibeling with the necklaces she got from Sheila the other day.

"That's a nice necklace." A blonde woman sat down on the chair beside Rosa. She had a soft smile on her lips. "I'm Lexi, a friend of Stefan's."

"Oh, he told me about you. You're here for his birthday." She said as Lexi's face lit up." I'm Rosabell, but call me Rosa."

"Rosabell is a beautiful name. But if you prefer Rosa that's what I'm gonna call you." She smiled, "You know what Rosa? I'm obviously not from here and don't really know anyone. Would you like to keep me company?"

"Yeah, sure." Rosa answered while the blonde vampire dragged her to the dance floor.

The two girls had danced for the last hour and while her new vampire friend kept going, Rosa felt how her legs were about to turn to jelly. She sat down and sighed. "This is all the training I need for the next coming weeks." She laughed and emptied her glass of water.

"Come on Rosa! Just one more song, please." Lexi begged her, "I promise, it will be the last song you will have to dance too. "Rosa felt a bit bad saying no to her, since she didn't know anyone else and Stefan hadn't shown up yet. So in the end she decided that one more song wouldn't hurt anyone. She ended up dancing to two more songs, and when the third one was about to start Stefan walked in.

"Stefan, Stefan!" Lexi shouted across the room and waved at him. He walked towards the girls with a smile, instead of his normal serious face. "Happy birthday!" Both of them cheered

"Lexi-" He said as the blonde vampire pulled him into a hug, "I see that you have met Rosa. Has she tortured you?" Stefan said and gave Rosa a hug

"No, she has just made me dance non-stop for an hour and a half." She replied with a sarcastic tone in her voice as Stefan eyed Lexi

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