Esther, part 2

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"What happened?" Mr. Martin asked as he saw the blood on Elijah's shirt.

"Esther fooled us, and Elena failed to take the necklace from Rosabell. We will have to put our plan in motion now!" Elijah growled. "Have you figured out how the banishing spell works?"

Mr. Martin nodded. "When we have the necklace, all we have to do is to burn it in a fire made of black salt. But..." He hesitated if he should tell Elijah the last part, knowing it would make him even angrier.

"But what?"

"The spirit needs to be out of the body, meaning that Esther needs to be inside of the talisman."

"And what would happen if she isn't?" Elijah said as his patience started to run out.

"The way talismans possession works is that the host body's spirit is stored inside of the talisman as long as the other spirit is in the body. So, if we would burn the necklace when Esther is in control of the body, we would kill Rosabell's spirit."

"And how do we get Rosabell to take control of her body?"

"It's simple, we just need to make her realize that she's not in her body. You need to wake her spirit up." Elijah scoffed, Mr. Martin made it sound like an easy thing to do.

Elijah thought hard, trying to think of a way to get Rosabell back. Then it hit him. "When I'm daggered, I roam around in the spirit world till it's pulled out, I would be able to wake her up." Elijah explained.

"And where do we find that dagger?" Mr. Martin said. Not totally amused by the plan Elijah came up with.

"Elena Gilbert."


Elijah made his way towards the lake house Elena and Stefan had fled to. He kneeled down and picked up a few small rocks. He tossed the rocks from hand to hand before he sent them flying towards the door. The door broke down and inside stood Stefan in front Elena, protecting her from him.

Elijah walked up on the porch. "You know, I might not be able to enter this house...But I am a very patient man. I will wait you out."

Elena walked towards the door, carefully not to steep outside. "They shouldn't have done what they did." She tried telling him.

"The deal is off." Elijah said.

"I'm negotiating." She said, trying to work something out.

"You have nothing left to negotiate with. You broke your part of the deal and you failed to get me your sister's necklace." He said bitterly.

Elena didn't understand why her sister's necklace was so important to him. She pulled out a knife as Elijah looked quite amused. "I'd like to see you lure Klaus into Mystic Falls after the doppelgänger bleeds to death."

Elijah was taken back from her cockiness. "Stefan won't let you die."

"No, he won't. He'll feed me his blood to heal me, and then I'll kill myself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did. So unless you want that to happen again, promise me the same as before...promise me...You won't harm anyone that I love. Even if they've harmed you."

Elijah scoffed at her. "I'm sorry, Elena. I'm going to have to call your bluff."

The doppelgänger breathed out and pointed the knife to her stomach. Elijah watched her curiously, unsure if she really would go that far. Elena made eye contact with him and plunged the knife right in her stomach. She screamed in pain, the blood gushing everywhere. Elijah panicked and even though he hadn't been invited in he tried to rush to her side, just to be stopped at the doorway.

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