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Rosabell sat on the edge of her bed and stared at the family photo that hung on her wall. It had been taken just a few days before the accident, before the whole family had fallen apart. She had been having a headache since the halloween party, it felt like a really bad hangover and got dizzy from just walking down the stairs. But she couldn't remember drinking a lot yesterday, and she couldn't remember how she got home either. The night was pretty foggy. She knew that she had seen Caroline making out with a senior. She also remembered that she had bumped into Elena during the evening, and then there was a vague memory of Jeremy running around with a girl. She shook her head and walked into the kitchen, putting on a cup of coffee, since she had to get her energy up before meeting Bonnie at the Mystic Grill. She leaned against the kitchen counter and looked at her twin while he sat with a book in his hands.

"Since when did you start to read?" She asked him as she grabbed a mug

Jeremy looked up at her with a little too serious look on his face, Rosa thought. "I'm doing my homework. So would you mind being quiet?" He said and continued reading

Rosa had stopped in what she was doing and tried to process what she just heard. Her brother, studying!? "No way!" She exclaimed and realized she had just said that out loud. Jeremy glared at her and she understood that she would either be quiet or he would probably throw a book at her.

"Sorry." She whispered and walked away.

She walked towards her room and past a mirror that hung in the hallway. In the corner of her eye she thought she saw something. She stopped and turned around, but when she looked nothing was there. She was probably just paranoid from the last time she saw that woman in the mirror. Bonnie's grams, Sheila, had told her that it could be a spirit trying to contact her. But Rosa still didn't believe in spirits, she still blamed the concussion. Sheila had also told her to try to meditate to get connected to nature, or was it her spirit? She couldn't remember, but if it could help her stop seeing things she would try it. So she had positioned herself on her bedroom floor, with her legs crossed and closed eyes. In the beginning she felt a bit ridiculous, but then she felt a small cold gust of wind on the back of her neck and saw a bright light shining in the distance. She felt how she got goosebumps on her arms and an uncomfortable feeling began to crawl in her body. It was hard for her to relax, her mind wandered off to yesterday's party. She had a feeling that something was missing from her memory, she then saw flashes of Jeremy running around with...Vicki? She then saw how Vicki attacked her, draining her of blood! Rosa's eyes flew wide open in terror and she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She stood up in confusion. She looked around the room and out through the big elegant windows behind her, and realized she definitely wasn't in Mystic Falls anymore.

"How did this happen?" Rosa said as she turned around, scratching her head.

She had ended up in a large apartment that had an antique vibe, to her right was a wall filled with books, from the floor up to the ceiling. Above her hung a chandelier with lighted candles and on the walls hung paintings that looked really old. She felt like she had traveled back in time to old France. Rosa took out her phone and checked her position, New York! How did she end up in New York!?

"Rosabell Gilbert, you really did screw up this time." She said and facepalmed. How did this even happen? She was just trying to meditate and instead she accidentally 'teleported' herself, or something. She called Bonnie in a hurry, hoping she would pick up.

"Rosabell Gilbert, you said you would meet me at the Grill! Where are you?" Bonnie answered

"Bonnie! I think I screwed up a bit...or maybe a lot." Rosa said as she paced back and forth

My dreams | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now