Masquerade Ball

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"This is the plan. Bonnie and Rosa, you will trap Katherine in an isolated room, away from the crowd. Caroline you will lure her to the room, and then me and Stefan will kill her." Damon explained to them, once and for all Katherine was gonna die by the end of the night. After the thing she did to Jenna everyone was determined that Katherine had crossed the line, and everyone was quite excited to have her out of Mystic Falls.

"I don't know guys." Bonnie started, she wasn't very fond of the plan, there were too many risks.

"Bonnie, she killed Caroline, she hurt Jenna. She has to be stopped, who knows who she will hurt next?" Rosa said with an angry tone in her voice, and her arms were crossed over her chest.

"Rosa's right, what Katherine did to Jenna crossed the line. She has to be stopped before it happens again." Stefan said. Damon patted Rosa's shoulder, trying to calm her down.

Bonnie was feeling slightly stupid, she wanted katherine gone too but their would be to many people at the Masqured ball tonight. But this might be the only shot they got. "Okay, me and Rosa can do a spell to trap her, like the tomb spell." She said, still not completely comfortable with the plan.

"Good," Damon exclaimed, "Alaric you will stay with Elena, making sure that she stays home." Alaric nodded.

"Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I'll understand." Stefan said and looked around, his eyes stopped at Bonnie. "Bonnie?" He said, unsure if the witch would help them or fool them as she had done once before. Everyone stood in silence and waited for her answer.

"No one gets hurt." She finally said in a slightly cold tone. If someone innocent was getting hurt she would personally kill every vampire in town.

"Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart." Damon said and forcefully threw the stake that he held in his hand towards the practice dummy, staking it right through the heart.

After the meeting everyone went their own ways. Rosabell had brought her dress with her to the Boarding house, just so Elena wouldn't get suspicious. Caroline had also brought her dress to the house to keep Rosa company. The two of them were getting ready for the evening, Caroline was sitting and curling her hair while Rosa sat and looked down at her phone.

"He still hasn't answered you?" Caroline had noticed that her friend was checking her phone very often, which usually meant one thing, boy problems.

"No." Rosa answered shortly. Elijah had not answered on her invitation to the Masquerade Ball tonight. She felt a bit hurt, maybe she had misunderstood everything between them.

"What is up with boys today." Caroline groaned and pulled out a bottle from her bag. Rosabell's brow rose in surprise and looked at her with a puzzled expression. "What?" The blond said and rested her hand on her hip. "If I'm gonna have the courage to fool Katherine tonight I will need this." She said and took a sip from the alcoholic beverage. She offered the bottle to Rosa, but she declined. It was best to be sober when doing a powerful spell, she thought to herself, and she also knew that she would just drown her heartbreak in it.

Caroline had put on a beautiful red dress, it matched her blue eyes perfectly. She had left earlier with Stefan to see if they could find an empty room to use for the spell. Rosa had bought a dark blue dress which ended just above her knees. She was standing and gazing into the mirror. Caroline had always been confident in her clothes and she always looked pretty, Rosa on the other side was not as confident with her looks which made her wonder if the dress she had put on was fitting her. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to feel more confident.. Damon stood in the doorway and watched her, over the past few months he had grown quite fond of Rosabell, she was like a sister to him.

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