Esther, part 1

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A small tapping was heard in the room. Rosabell couldn't figure out where it came from. It almost sounded like a ticking clock, the only problem was that she didn't have a clock in her room. She roamed around, looking in every drawer, under the bed, even in the closet, but found nothing. Not until she looked in the mirror.

"Sheila?" She asked, confused by seeing her.

"Rosabell, we don't have much time, so listen to me closely." Sheila said hastily.

"Okay." Rosa was still shocked, but tried to listen to her as well as she could.

"The necklace, you need to take it off."

"You were the one that gave it to me in the first place." Rosa implied.

"Yes and it was a mistake. Rosabell I have had visions, and I am scared that they might come true."


"There is a myth, a myth about a family trying to cheat death. They are called The Originals, the original vampires. And you my dear Rosabell, will die by the hands of one of them. And the cause of it will be the necklace." Sheila's head turned towards the door. "You need to wake up, she's coming. Don't trust her." Sheila disappeared and the bedroom door slowly creaked open. The hallway was dark, but Rosa could see movement moving in the darkness. The darkness soon filled her room, until everything went dark. A faint 'thank you' echoed.

Her eyes snapped open. It was weird to be in a human body after so many years as a spirit. It was nice to be back in the world of the living. The phone rang, Damon Salvatore was the name that appeared on the screen.

"Damon?" She answered.

"Rosa, come over as fast as you can. I have something important to show you."

"I'll be there in no time." She said in a sweet voice and hung up. Maybe this plan would go smoother than she had expected. She looked through the wardrobe and the clothes were nothing she was used to wearing. "Too short, too tight, way too uncomfortable." In the end she had dressed herself in a dark blue knee long dress, a dress that Rosabell had never worn before and put the brown hair in a side braid.

She walked down the stairs and was met by Alaric in the kitchen. "Hey, did Damon give you a call?" He asked and took the last sip of his coffee.

"Yes, he called." She said and walked out from the door.

Alaric walked after her. "Well, I'm on my way there too, I can give you a ride if you want."

"That would be lovely." She answered with a smile.

The car ride was silent, Esther hadn't planned to bond with any of the humans, nor have any unnecessary conversation with them. She knew exactly what she had to do during her time here, and she wasn't going to get distracted by anyone. The car pulled up to the boarding house and Esther knew that if the plan was going to go smoothly she had to pretend to be Rosabell.

"Little Gilbert, good that you could come so fast." Damon greeted her and pulled her into a hug.

"Stop calling me that." She chuckled. Esther had spent months following and observing Rosabell, and thanks to that she knew how the girl would react in different situations.

Damon rolled his eyes in a playful way. "Whatever you say. When did you start to wear dresses?" He said and raised an eyebrow. The only time he had seen her in a dress was during The Masquerade Ball.

"Well...I'm trying out a new style." She said and put on a smile. Damon just nodded and did not think much more about it.

"Why are we here Damon?" Alaric asked with his arms crossed.

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