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"Wake. Up." A harsh voice urges me as my shoulder gets shoved roughly, making me groan, blinking groggily through my heavy exhaustion. My eyelids feel like lead as I pry them open in the early morning light, pain stinging through my cheekbone.

The alarm on my bedside table is beeping relentlessly, the blaring screeches ringing my eardrums.

"I'm going to break that fucking thing if you don't turn it off." Phillip snaps, making fear lurch through my gut.

Nodding quickly at his threat, I scramble up in the dark grey sheets, fumbling through the bleak light of early morning until I finally manage to press the button and shut off the alarm.

My ears pulse in the sudden silence, cringing at yet another one of my mistakes. I forgot I had an early shift today. Usually I'll plan ahead and sleep on the couch so I don't wake him up.

Phillip huffs angrily, rolling over on his side and yanking the comforter with him, making a sharp pang of guilt twist my gut. The comforter slides off my body, exposing me to the cold air. Goosebumps erupt across my limbs, making me press my mouth in a firm line of discomfort.

Gingerly, I get off the bed, tiredness weighing me down.

I'm exhausted.

Phillip and I fought for hours last night. Ending with him hitting me and creating the source of the pain currently aching my cheekbone.

Grabbing my blackberry and my pager off the nightstand, I quietly pad across the room to our bathroom, closing the door softly before flicking on the stark cool-toned light.

When I glance up at my reflection, my stomach throttles at the large bruise on my cheekbone.

Phillip was upset last night because I had surprised him by picking up dinner on my way home. Since it took me longer than usual and my phone had died, he thought I was cheating on him and he got... upset.

It was my fault. I should have known it would worry him.

Swallowing thickly, I squat down and receive my makeup bag from underneath the sink. One by one, I retrieve each color corrector, concealer, and powder I own.

Cringing with pain, I gently dab the color corrector on the bruise first, tears prickling in my eyes. Despite it being hours old, it still hurts to touch.

I use the green undertone to cancel out the deep red of the new bruise. Tomorrow, I'll use yellow as it'll have turned a purple shade by then.

After some concealer, I finish it off with setting powder, and like magic, the bruise is gone.

Relief washes over me as I stare at my reflection. No one will know. No one will cause a scene or worry just because Phillip lost his temper.

He's just- passionate. And I shouldn't have worried him by taking longer on my way home.

It was stupid and inconsiderate of me.

Covering it up is good. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about us.

I don't want anyone trying to break us up because I'm happy with him.

Blinking at my pale reflection, the bright bathroom light casts sharp shadows down my face, making me look like a skeleton.

I'm happy.


- Cass's POV -

I'm jolted awake from my deep sleep at the feeling of a soft graze on my hip. Fear darts through me for a millisecond but I find myself quickly relaxing at the familiar smell of Rick surrounding me.

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