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- Cass's POV -

The end of my knife plunges through the skull of the last walker before I rip it out with a heavy grunt, kicking the lifeless body away from me. Letting out a huff of exhaustion, my chest heaving, I wince slightly at the lingering hurt of my healing ribs. I pause, holding onto my left ribs, grimacing as my breath hitches painfully.

Turning around, looking past the circle of dead walkers at my feet, I spot Judith- in the window of the wooden shack we've been staying in for about a day now, blinking at me through the glass.

The forest surrounding us allows for some shade from the bright sunlight today, but the persistent rays burn through the green leaves, making the humidity worse. Leaning my head back in fatigue, I stare up at the cloudless sky, my limbs heavy and weak. There's been a lot of walkers in the woods recently, making surviving out here just me and Judith that much harder. I can't even count how many I have killed since the prison. Sighing, I close my eyes, letting the scattered sunlight tingle across the skin of my face for a moment. Just to catch my breath.

After a moment of collecting myself, I shake my head and begin to climb over the walkers I just killed, nearly tripping over the large number of corpses scattered around me, grimacing at the rancid stench of them. As I'm maneuvering around their bodies, I notice a lime green backpack strapped onto one of the walkers, making me raise my eyebrows with interest. Without hesitation, I squat down and cut the straps of the backpack before ripping the bag toward me.

Eagerly rifling through it, I let out a heavy sigh of relief at the water bottles and protein bars stashed inside, a small smile pulling at my mouth. Satisfied with my find, I stash the backpack under my arm and return to the shack, needing to force open the stubborn door with extra effort.

The shack is one simple and dingy room, consisting of wooden walls and floors, so dusty that the sun rays streaming in light it all up. On one side of the room is a line of run-down cabinets with a rusted sink below a window looking out into the woods. On the other side of the shack is an unused cot and at the foot of it, an uneven table with a couple of plastic foldable chairs. The table that Judith is currently sitting at alongside her diaper bag, staring at me.

"Hey Jude, that was a lot huh? Fourteen I think," I mumble mostly to myself, tossing the backpack on the heavily dusted floor and opening a water bottle, taking a long and grateful swig. The lukewarm bottled water travels down my throat like liquid gold, immediately settling my cramping stomach which has gone a little too long without food. I set the water bottle on the counter, letting out a sigh after that large drink. Not wanting to forget my loot, I retrieve the rest of the water and protein bars from the backpack, stuffing them quickly in the diaper bag before heading back for another drink of water, relishing in the alien sensation of complete hydration.

At the sound of Judith babbling behind me, I pause mid-drink, glancing over my shoulder at the chubby baby watching me, making me lower the bottle, feeling a pang of guilt for the indulgence.

"Okay, I'll make your formula now honey," I tell her softly with a smile, turning back around. Pouring the rest of the water into Judith's purple bottle, I hum to myself, feeling a sense of contentment. After putting the scoop of formula in, I cap the bottle and begin to shake it to mix it the best I can using only lukewarm water.

My humming continues as I absentmindedly shake Judith's bottle, staring out the window above the sink with longing. I wonder about my family as I zone out, gazing at the greenery beyond the dirty glass pane. That familiar anxiety and raw concern twist deep in me, and I stop shaking the bottle, holding onto the counter for support.

I'm lost in a cloud of anxiety, loss, and grief, trying to collect myself but failing miserably. I'm abruptly taken out of it, nearly dropping the bottle when I hear it.

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