Forever is the Sweetest Con

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- Cass's POV -

The morning breeze flows through our bedroom window, fluttering the thin white curtains and sending a refreshing wave of cool air over me. I find myself nestling closer to Rick, his warm body forever a soothing sanctuary, always grounding me.

Our bodies are connected, our legs intertwined. Rick's face is nestled against my shoulder while my chin gently rests on his soft hair. I'll never get tired of the deep sense of security I feel in his arms as I melt into his arms, pulling him even closer to me.

"I don't want to go," Rick groans into my skin, his husky voice laced with endearing reluctance, making a grin of amusement pull across my mouth. With how comfortable I am right now and my aversion to Daryl's motorcycle, the idea of doing the dry run isn't exactly appealing to me either.

"We have to. You know that," I gently remind Rick, my fingers weaving through his soft curls, eliciting a contented hum from him. The deep rumbling sound reverberates within me, filling my heart with warm fondness.

"These people are idiots," Rick grumbles, prompting a soft snort from me as I twist one of his curls between my fingers, smiling knowingly.

They really are.

"That's exactly why we need to do this. It's only a dry run, once we've got it down it'll be a breeze," I assure Rick as he sighs heavily, knowing I'm right.

"Why did I have to fall for such a smart woman?" Rick mumbles to himself, making me roll my eyes, my cheeks flaming. After just over a month of being together, I still can't get over him saying shit like that. Sometimes it still doesn't feel real.

"Oh poor you," I coo sarcastically, making Rick lift and tilt his head to send me an unserious glare, those intense blue eyes of his meeting mine.

When I simply smile back at him, Rick's playful glare slowly fades away. His eyes soften at the edges, and I can tell he's lost in thought, his eyes reflecting the same enigmatic look they did yesterday.

"You're so beautiful," Rick tells me softly, making my smile broaden, my heart responding with a gentle flutter.

"So are you," I reply sweetly, trailing my fingers from his hair down to caress his sharp jaw. My fingertips graze through the rough texture of his stubble, scratching slightly.

Rick's eyelids flutter shut at the sensation, making adoration surge through my chest. I'll never stop being grateful that while the others just see Rick Grimes, the hardcore and occasionally terrifying leader who relentlessly protects his people, I get to see this Rick.

The Rick who loves me. Who loves it when I use my nails to scratch his hair, when I press kisses on his cheek, and when I do many other things to him.

"You're making this hard for me," Rick mumbles, making a knowing smirk grow on my face as I stop my scratching. Feeling his hard length through his pajama pants and against my thigh is evidence enough.

"I can feel that clearly, Grimes," I murmur with amusement, making Rick groan, dropping his head and pressing his face against my chest, sending electricity dancing across my skin. I bite my lip, my smile pulling wider, butterflies swirling where his nose is pressing against my skin.

Then Rick abruptly sits up, making me raise my eyebrows, excitement fluttering through me, expecting him to make a move so we can...

But Rick just sits there, his gaze fixed on me, his lovely blue eyes moving slowly and deliberately across my face. The intensity behind my gaze makes me wonder if there's something on my face, and my cheeks flush with self-consciousness. Instinctively, I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

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