Flickering Flames

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"It has now been declared a state of emergency. Anyone who is not an essential worker should quarantine themselves in their homes. If you must go outside, please wear a mask, gloves, and any other protective wear possible. Be safe and God bless."

The emergency TV broadcast ends in the quiet living room, the screen flashing back to the show we were previously watching. The cheap sitcom's jokes seem shallow after hearing the horrific news, the applause soundtrack sounding like static as I watch, frozen in shock.

"Oh god," Michonne whispers, bringing her shaking hand to her mouth in horror.

Sophie wraps her fianceé up in her arms, the same expression written on her face I've seen numerous times when an unsavable patient comes into the ER. Her eyebrows are tightened together with worry, those dark eyes full of dread, and her mouth pulled in a tight line of determination.

Sitting on the empty side of the couch in silence, my heart feels like lead, weighing my soul down.

I just got my life back. Did I escape from Him to take back my freedom and life, only for it to be ripped away so soon?

I glance over at the dining room table where the boxes of my stuff are piled high. Michonne and Sophie collected it all yesterday for me while He was at work.

Closing my eyes, I can't imagine if I was still with him now. Being forced to stay with him at home with no break from his cruelty.

Glancing over at Michonne and Sophie still locked in their embrace, my heart cracks. I just got them back too. The people I trust the most. The people I owe my freedom to. I can't imagine losing them.

"I should tell you guys, I will be staying at the CDC for a while. I'm volunteering to help cure this thing." I announce quietly, picking at the edges of my nail beds, too nervous to look up and see their reactions.

I hadn't made up my mind if I should go or not, but now? I know I have to. The two of them turn to me, clearly incredulous.

"What? Alone?" Soph questions me in disbelief, sitting up straight now. I nod, finally sparing a glance at her distressed expression.

"But- We just got you back. Are you sure it's safe?" Michonne asks me, her eyes searching mine. I shrug honestly, my stomach in knots as they look at me, concern written over their faces.

"I don't know. All I know is that I'm a single young adult with no family that relies on me. It's better me than someone with a family. I did my bachelor's in Microbiology and participated in research on viruses. I can help." I explain earnestly, wringing my hands to fight my nerves.

I need them to understand. To see that I have to do this.

"We're your family," Soph murmurs, her eyes full of sadness, her lip quivering slightly before she looks down.

My heart breaks at her distraught expression, tears springing to my eyes. I have to look away, back at that stupid sitcom still droning on, not being able to stand the sight of her. 

"You two are the people I love the most in the world. And you have both done so much for me. Giving me a place to stay, feeding me, helping me get my things so I didn't have to go back there, and giving me nothing patience and kindness after I blew you off for two years. I can repay you by helping find a cure for this thing. Make it safe for you guys." I explain, hoping to get my reasoning across. Show them how much they mean to me.

Michonne nods, placing her hand on mine. I glance up at her sincere yet somber expression."I understand." She says softly.

"Michonne!" Sophie objects, but Michonne just looks at me, and I know. She gets it. She respects my decision. I smile slightly with appreciation.

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