The Reunion

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The gruff man's blue eyes dart between me and the guy I have my knife pressed against. "Don't get your panties in a damn twist, we're just lookin' for someone," He explains roughly, still aiming his crossbow at my forehead.

"We're looking for a little girl, with short ginger hair and a blue shirt with a rainbow on it," The blonde adds quickly, her intelligent eyes darting to the house, making protectiveness flash through me.

"If you dare to go in there, I will slit his throat." I snap fiercely, making the blonde freeze, her gaze hardening on me. The guy gulps nervously beside me, my knife still pressed lightly against his throat.

This could be Sophia's group, but she didn't go into great detail about other people besides her mom, Rick, and Carl. I don't want to risk giving her away to potentially dangerous people. I couldn't live with myself if they hurt her.

"I haven't seen any little girls," I growl, uneasiness going through me as they exchange disbelieving looks. It's my own fault, I'm awful at lying.

"We followed her tracks, next to larger ones leading back here," The crossbow guy grumbles, narrowing his bright blue eyes at me. I swallow thickly, panic surging through me being put on the spot like this.

"Must have been me and my husband's tracks," I shrug nonchalantly, hoping they will be more intimidated if they think I have a husband who could be back any minute.

"You have tiny-ass feet then," The gruff guy growls flatly, staring me down through his hair, pointedly looking down at my adult-sized feet. He knows I'm lying.

Shit. That was stupid.

"Fine. What's her name then?" I ask defiantly, shifting on my normal-sized feet, my stomach turning nervously. I may have a slight advantage with a hostage, but it's still three to one.

"Sophia." The blonde responds carefully, her eyes studying me, her hand still wrapped around her pistol.

Squinting my eyes, I take a second to study two of them. "Her mother's name?" I question, my eyebrows raising, the hope that this may be Sophia's people steadily rising in me.

"Carol," The gruff guy responds, almost immediately. Huh.

Okay, moment of truth.

"Is her dad with you?" I ask, slightly taken aback at the disgust that flashes across both of their expressions.

The blonde huffs. "That monster died a few days ago," She spits, clearly getting restless, glancing back at the house.


My eyes widen in realization when I think back on the way Sophia acts. Over-apologizing is a key indicator of an abused child. Someone who was hurt anytime she made a mistake.

Rage boils in my veins at the idea of anyone hurting her. Knowing all too well how it feels, it breaks my heart that she's had to go through that at such a young age.

I remove the blade from the baseball cap guy's throat and push him forward roughly. The other two readjust their aim as he stumbles away from me, rubbing his neck, his eyes wide.

"I'm going to go inside to check with her. To be sure." I announce sternly as they exchange glances before nodding in agreement. "Anyone moves, or tries anything if she doesn't know you, I will kill you." I threaten, forcing my voice to not waver.

Seeing that they are letting me go, I slowly head up the steps of the porch and open the door, closing it softly behind me. Sophia looks up from the couch, tears glistening on her cheeks.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫  | 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘎𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now