The final authors note.

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Hey binkers,

I've developed quite the big fan base over these past few months I've been writing.

I would like to thank each and everyone one of you for being here and supporting me.

This story means so incredibly much to me and I didn't think I would ever convince myself to bring it to a close!

There are a few people I would love to thank especially.

To Spooder_ ,
I don't think I would have had it in me to continue the story as long I did with out you being here form the beginning. You mean the world to me and thank you for helping me come up with the ending to this story. Love you man ❤️

To luneyruthy ,
This story brought us closer together and talking with you ever day for like 3 weeks now has been amazing. didn't think I would ever say this but, Juliet, you are the only Canadian I will ever like.

To IAmTheOneAndOnlyZero ,
Your writing has been so incredibly inspiring and I'm pretty sure I found it around the time I got back into writing and started this very story. Thank you for writing and I hope you continue to for years to come.

To calleigh_writes & Tired_sloth63 ,
With out your silly comments on every chapter I wouldn't have had it in me to double check ever chapter to make sure it was my very best. Love both of you ❤️

And to you 🫵, the person reading this right now. I hope you enjoyed this story, I know I did. I poured my heart and soul into it and I just wrote it for peoples entertainment.

I hope I Made you all cry, Because I know I am.

Thank you again to everyone.
Binky_banks, out. 💛

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