.chapter 15.

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Running. Running faster than I ever have before. Around me, the city streets blipped into nothingness. In fact, the whole world had turned to become void.

Jack, Niki, Tubbo, tommy and Ran-boo weren't fast enough and in that basement, Phil never stood a chance.

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I turned and looked at the only person I had left in this barren world, Charlie.

I suppose, after all this time, you deserve an explanation.

It began this morning.



Y/n woke up in Charlie's arms, the same way they had been for the past week. His now familiar smell was comforting in this apocalyptic tragedy.

They felt safe with Charlie. they could take care of themself of course but Charlie was sort of like a body guard, another layer of protection around the infected and other dangers this hell scape had to offer.


I trudge out of bed slowly, to open the curtains. I used to do it before this whole shebang happened too. Old habits die hard I guess.

I looked out into the complete wasteland we call home. It used to be a cool city but recently, things have been disappearing and it's true colours have shone through.

As I looked closer, it was like my render distance was turned down in a video game. I couldn't see past the end of the highway...? Probably just fog... right?

Charlie noticed I was staring and got up to stand behind me. He leaned over my shoulder and took a look outside.

"Fogs rollin' in."

"This is the most fog I've ever seen Charlie, do you think it's a side affect?"


He started out the window with me, as confused as I was before pulling me into a hug from behind and lifting me up.

I screamed and kicked my legs, laughs escaping my lips through exhales.

I really do love him.

After breakfast, everyone was sitting in the living room, playing blackjack. After all these months, I had finally taught Ranboo how to play.

After everyone lost to Phil in the past 8 rounds, he eventually excused himself from the game
And headed down to his room.

Now that Phil was gone, I was dominating the game. Beating Jack and then Niki, our only 2 good players.

I was about to Beat Tubbo as well when I'm the corner of my eye I saw something move. I glanced over at it and saw that the wall was gone.

I kept watching it, expecting it to re-appear like things has been doing for the past week. When it didn't re-appear, I got worried.

The gang were now all staring at it, dumbfounded. Before I knew it, every wall in the house was gone + the roof.

I looked out toward what I thought was the fog and realised it wasn't fog... it was... nothing? There was nothing there. Before realisation could fully set in, the ground in the near distance began to glitch away.

We all began to run.

The first too go was ranboo, the wound in his back was still healing, making it hard to run. He ended up tripping and the ground underneath him clipped away.

Second and third place went to the best friends. Tommy and Tubbo ran close together but Toby was never much of a runner. He fell into the abyss and Tommy dove in after him.

Then came Jack, his strides when he ran where too small. He fell behind. Eventually the glitch caught up to him and he lost his balance, he managed to hold onto the edge by he fingers.

Lastly, was Niki. Sweet, gullible Niki saw her friend hanging there helplessly and ran back to save him. Maybe if she hadn't she would still be with us.



Ducking and diving through the empty city, Charlie and I seemed to be the last ones left. This world, torn from its people in an instant.

We soon reached an alcove, A promise land. A patch a green grass filled with daises, I don't remember the last time I saw green grass let alone daisies.

The disappearing ground around us seemed to stop as it reached the patch. It was like something was holding it back.

I collapsed to me knees and began to sob, Charlie held me in his arms. I covered my eyes with my hands until I felt them tingle.

I pulled them away from my face and they were slowly going transparent. Fuck.


Charlie stared down at Y/n, with a numb face. Slowly but surely, y/n's whole body was disappearing. The very last thing they saw was Charlie. He lifted up his hand and clicked his fingers


Words: 805

(1) Who's there..? |Charlie Slimecicle x reader | Apocalypse AU|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora