Chapter 57

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Valeriana's pov

When my eyes flutter open my eyebrows furrowed when I see all of my brothers standing around me. I look around at them.

"Seems you two sorted your problem with each other," Santino says motioning to me and Papà. We fell asleep talking last night.

"Fuck off," I groan before closing my eyes again.

"So how did bonding with pops go?" Santino asked. I could hear how smug he was.

"Wiggles get him," I say. Wiggles jumps up before growling at Santino. Santino steps back and Wiggles steps forwards.

"Woah, don't sic my dog on people. Wiggles stop," Miss Wells says. Wiggles stops. I sat up quickly and narrowed my eyes on Miss Wells. "Wait, since when can he do that?" I smirk at her.

"What do you think we did on our walks?" I asked. Miss Wells looks at me for a second.

"Oh I don't know, walk?" she asked. I chuckle while shaking my head.

"You do realize you are getting into bed with a mafia don right. You have a target on your back, Miss Wells. Your back is now guarded by your dog. No need to thank me," I say while standing up. Miss Wells shook her head.

"Well we are about to have breakfast if you want to get papà up," Nazario says. I look at our father.

"I'm good. I'm going to take a shower," I say before rushing up the stairs.


I walk back into the living room. My brothers, Father, Miss Wells, and Giana were lounging around on the furniture. They must have finished eating. I was upstairs for a long time.

"That was a long shower," Matteo says.

"Oh I decided to take a bath then fell asleep in the tub. Good news I didn't drown... Just inhaled a little bit of water," I smile. My family stares at me.

"Are you good?" Nazario asked. I roll my eyes.

"I just said good news I didn't drown. My lungs hurt a little, but I'm good," I state.

"Well there is food in the fridge if you're hungry," Aurelio says. I shook my head. My eyes go to the tv. It was playing a show but I don't think anyone was actually paying attention to it. It seemed interesting. Though that could just be because I have only watched a few shows or movies.

A hand landed on my shoulder. My hands wrap around the person's wrist before I flip them over my shoulder. The person landed on the coffee table causing it to break on impact. Before I could register what happened I was laying on the ground myself. I push myself up. I look at Kian laying in the mess of broken wood.

"Fuck you scared me," He says. I glare at him before walking over. I hold my hand out towards him.

"I scared you. You fucking scared me, dumbass," I say pulling him up. Once he was standing I shoved him away from me.

"I thought you heard us come in," he says, rubbing his back.

"I was focused on the tv," I say quietly before looking back at the tv. My lips purse as I look back at my friends. "Sorry, Kian," I said when he was plucking a big chunk of wood out of his skin. He rolled his eyes.

"It's fine. One of these days I will learn and remember to not catch you off guard. I'm still working on it," Kian says. Devyn and I laugh.

"You've been working on it for two years," I smile. Kian glared at me. He flicked the wood at me. It landed right before me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Maybe if you hurt me more than a light bruise I'll remember," He states. I roll my eyes while shaking my head.

"Now that you two are here we can go over the mission," Aurelio says. He pulls Miss Wells up from the couch before pulling her along to his office. I look at my brothers.

"Is it too early for him to put a ring on her finger?" I asked. Valentino, Valerico, and Matteo shook their heads immediately.

"Laurelio," the four of us shout.

"Cut that shit out!" Aurelio shouts from his office. I chuckle before nodding for my friends to follow me. We walked into the room. Aurleio immediately starts talking over everything we need to know, like how many guards are estimated around the place. Where the family is being held. We got the location of the building where the Spanish family is being held.

"If it comes down to it, Valeriana. It's you over them. This isn't a suicide mission. If you cannot get them out without dying then you save yourself. Do you hear me?" Aurelio asked. I nod my head. I pat his shoulder.

"Relax, I value my life too much to trade it for people I don't even know. I may be nice sometimes but I'm not that damn nice," I say while crossing my arms over my chest. I walk around the table before grabbing the laptop. I set it down in front of Devyn and Kian. They look at the pictures and blueprints. "Do you have a pencil?"

"On the desk," Aurelio says. I nod my head before walking over to the desk. Miss Wells was sitting in Aurelio's chair. She had a book in her hand as she minded her own business. I scan the desk before finding the pencil. I picked it up. Miss Wells shifted in her seat. She gave me a smile. My nose picks up on a floral scent. An all too familiar scent. My body froze.

"Mia portatore di lacrime. I bought a new perfume. It smells heavenly. Want to smell it?" Mother says. Before I could pass up the offer she sprayed the perfume on my face. My eyes blink rapidly as they sting. My hands wipe at my eyes when they start to water.

"What's the scent of perfume?" I asked. Miss Wells' eyebrows furrowed. She smells her wrist before cringing.

"My aunt wanted me to try it yesterday. I don't like it. Do you like it?" Miss Wells asked. I glare at her. Her eyes widened as she pushed her chair back a little ways.

"Go wash it off," I snapped. Miss Wells took a deep breath.

"What?" she asked.

"Go take a fucking shower, Miss Wells... Now!" I yelled. Miss Wells jumped. Her eyes were wide.

"Valeriana!" Aurelio shouts. The pencil in my hand broke. I drop the broken pieces before walking out of the room. Nazario, Santino, and Giana were no longer in the living room. The coffee table was cleaned up and replaced with a new one. Do they just randomly have back up coffee tables or was it from a different room?

"Why was Aurelio yelling at you?" Valerico asked. I take a seat in between Papà and Valerico.

"I snapped at Miss Wells," I mutter while crossing my arms over my chest. Aurelio and Miss Wells walk out of the office. Aurelio walks her to the stairs before she heads up them. Aurelio turned to me before walking over to us. He had narrowed eyes on me. He stopped in front of me. He moved causing me to flinch back. My cheeks started to warm up when I realized he was just sitting down on the new coffee table in front of me. Aurelio's face softened as he looked at me.

"You gotta explain, V, so whatever she did to cause you to snap she can avoid in the future," Aurelio says. I frown at him.

"It's nothing she did, I promise. It was the smell of perfume... Mother had that. She would spray it in my face. The perfume would burn my eyes. I'd choke on the overpowering scent. It's a relief Miss Wells doesn't like it because I hate it," I state. Aurelio nods his head understandingly.

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