Chapter 18

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Valeriana's pov

I walk into Miss Wells' house. I hear them both laughing. They were on the couch. Miss Wells had her feet up on the couch. As she leaned her elbow against the back of the couch. Her cheek rested on her hand. Her body language shows she was totally into my brother. I quickly snap a picture of them both before they notice me. I put my phone away. Take the leash off Wiggles and he runs to the water bowl. I hang the leash up before walking into the room more.

"Did he drag you?" Miss Wells jumped up from the couch. I had dirt and grass stains on me. I probably had leaves in my braids.

"No, what happened was we were running. Then I tripped. Next to a large hill. Then I rolled down it because I fell. Wiggles chased me. It was fun causing us to do it again... and again... then once more which was a bad idea... I got dizzy and threw up," I mutter. Aurelio chuckles. Miss Wells smiles at me before looking towards Wiggles. He was done getting a drink now and was laying on the couch.

"It seems you tired him out. That never happens. You also looked like you had fun," Miss Wells causing me to nod a smile on my face.

"I did, thank you. I needed that," I say. Miss Wells nods her head.

"We better get going if we are planning on making it back before dinner starts," Aurelio says. I nod my head before smiling at Miss Wells and waving.

"Thanks again, Miss Wells," I say.

"Of course, V, I'll see you when you come back to school," she says. She walks us to the door. I rush to the car and get into the passenger seat. Aurelio and Miss Wells say a few things before he walks to the car. Miss Wells waves at me causing me to wave back before she went into the house and shut the door behind her.

Aurelio starts driving away. I get a text causing me to pull my phone out. It was Matteo asking if we were coming back for dinner. I sent a reply back.

"You said you didn't have your phone," Arelio says in disbelief. I laugh lightly.

"I lied," I say while looking out the window.

"Valeriana! You set us up!" he shouts, causing me to look at him. He didn't look angry. He glanced at me. "You are lucky I like this woman or I would be mad right now," he says with a smile. He looked back at the road.

"What do you like about her?" I asked. Aurelio chuckles.

"Lauren is nice, really nice. She's smart and interested in what others have to say. She doesn't interrupt because she is too busy listening to you intently. She is beautiful, her smile is nice, and she was very concerned for you when she thought her dog dragged you. She's amazing, Valeriana. Damn, it's only my third time meeting this woman and I have lots to say about her," Aurelio says, causing me to smile.

"She does look like a goddess doesn't she?" I asked with a smirk. Aurelio chuckles before nodding.

"She does," he says before pulling up to the house. Aurelio turns the car off but we don't get out.

"Thank you," I say. Aurelio looks at me.

"For what?" he asked.

"For giving me a ride today... For being there the other day. I needed it," I say with a smile.

"Your brothers and I aren't going anywhere, Valer. You're our baby sister. We already spent years away from our only sister, we aren't letting you slip away from us, kid," Aurelio says. I nod my head as I blink away the tears. Aurelio notices before he pats my head before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer. He leaned his head against the top of mine. His hand rubbed my back. "You better get used to us, sorella. You're stuck with us. Valerico and Valentino are like gnats. Good luck getting rid of those two. They've wanted you back since the day mother took you. They cried for hours every day. By the age of ten it got ridiculous," Aurelio jokes, causing me to laugh.

"Come on, the more time goes on the more heads peek out of that curtain," I say. Aurelio looks towards the window before laughing. By now our last sibling joined the rest causing us both to laugh. I get out of the car and run inside. "Laurelio! Is definitely happening. Also Aurelio knows I set him up. Do not bring up the first set up!" I say quickly.

"You guys were gone for four hours," Zario says. I smile while shrugging.

"It would have been longer if I didn't come back. They didn't even notice I walked into the house," I squeal. I quickly stopped when the door knob twisted. I leaned against the wall, my arms crossed over my chest as I watched Aurelio. He slowly turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"What now?" he asked.

"You're asking her out to dinner Friday night right?" I asked. Aurelio ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes, if I'm free that night," he says.

"Laurelio!" Valerico, Valentino and I shout. Matteo gasped before crossing his arms over his chest.

"Tell me we are saying that next time. Damnit fucking Triplets," Matteo grumbled before walking towards the dining room.

"You all knew?" Aurelio asked. Santino and Zario chuckle.

"Dude even we knew," Tino says.

"Did your friends leave?" I asked the boys while following my brothers to the dining room.

"Yes," they lie.

"Good, they are always here. Did you know Lucian is annoying and why does he smell like cheese?" I asked. My eyes land on Verena and Lucian. Lucian had his mouth dropped open.

"You were saying?" he asked, taking offense to what I said. I chuckle while shaking my head.

"Dude, I knew you were here. Your cars are still in the driveway. Relax, you don't smell like cheese... it's more of a dirty diaper," I say before laughing when he glared at me.

"Fuck off," he muttered. I head towards my seat before hitting the back of Lucian's head.

"Damn, your heads so big it got in my way," I say while plopping down next to Matteo and Verena. I gave her a smile while she was laughing along with all my siblings. Her laugh was nice. I liked it. 

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