Chapter 55

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Valeriana's pov

The house was empty. My brothers and Father went to their warehouse. Trey and Janessa went out for ice cream. I was left at home since I was sleeping when everyone decided to leave. Trey told me where everyone went through text. I saw it when I woke up. My phone rings causing me to answer it.

"What?" I asked.

"Come down to the warehouse. We need your input for a mission," Valentino says. I let out a groan.

"Fine, I'll see you soon," I mutter before hanging up. After getting into my car I drove to the warehouse. I pull up to the building before exiting my car. As I walked up to the building I was stopped. "Care to move? My brothers are waiting. Move, I ain't in the mood for this bullshit," I state. The woman ignored me. I quickly grab her arm before flipping her onto her back. I still had a hold of her arm. With my foot I pushed her body over so she was on her stomach. I dug my heel into her back and pulled her arm out of the socket. She cried out in pain. "I told you to move," I chuckled.

"Valeriana!" Aurelio shouted. I let the woman's arm go. I place my hands behind my back as I walk over to him. Papà Santorelli stood next to him.

"Alright to be fair she wouldn't move," I state with a shrug. Aurelio gave me a look.

"You didn't need to dislocate her arm," Aurelio states sternly. I purse my lips.

"No I didn't but I wasn't in the mood for her not letting me in bullshit. I fixed the problem of her being in my way," I say. Aurelio points to a room. I roll my eyes before heading to the conference room. All my brothers and their friends were in the room. Papà Santorelli closed the door behind us. My eyes go to the surveillance camera showing the front where the guard was. That's how they knew I was here.

"Aw, look at her getting help. I would have reset her arm if you let me," I say. Aurelio shook his head.

"Why would you?" Matteo asked.

"I like to cause pain. Have you ever had a dislocated arm rest? It hurts like a bitch," I mutter while leaning my hands on the table. "So why am I here?"

"We have this building that is heavily guarded and the security cameras are ridiculous. Every plan we come up with we find a flaw or seven. With you being an assassin maybe you can figure something out," Santino says. Everyone nods. I stare at them all.

"Are you going to help?" Aurelio asked. I blink a few times.

"You mean I dragged my ass out of bed and ran into that bitch out front all for this. Because my brothers are incompetent at forming a solid plan when there are 14 bodies in this room yet none of you can figure something out?" I asked. They look at me.

"Is that a no?" Valerico asked. I take a deep breath. My eyes go to the blueprints on the table. There was a computer next to it. I tap through the photos on the computer quickly. It was pictures of every camera on the inside and outside of the building. The pictures were probably taken from someone undercover. There were pictures of the guards stationed around the place. I look back at the blueprint of each level.

"Mmm, I don't think I feel like helping you guys," I smile before standing up and walking towards the door.

"Really?" Aurelio asked. I look at him.

"Really, my schedule seems to be full today," I state. My hand grabbed the doorknob. Aurelio placed his hand on the door keeping it closed.

"I'll get you that damn dog you want," Aurelio says. I raise an eyebrow before holding my hand out. Aurelio shook my hand. I smirk at him.

"I was just messing around but pleasure doing business with you brother," I state smugly. Aurelio glared at me while our brothers laughed at him. I walk back over to the table.

"You really know how to get under his skin," Giana says. I chuckle before looking at Aurelio. He was still glaring at me.

"Right, so getting into the building without being seen by either the guards or the camera's is impossible," I say before looking around at them. "Hack their systems to shut down their live feed then you have one less problem. They will be expecting an attack so you have to wait. I say a week. You have to make sure they don't get their system up and running again. During the week they will become less paranoid and they will start to think the system is faulty. I mean it is a cheap system they have. It's possible to get faulty equipment. Since the systems are down then you can get your guy to set up your own camera's one's that aren't easy to hack. You'll be able to gather information on how they proceed going forward. You'll know when they think about buying better security cameras and systems. The best time to infiltrate will be when everyone is focused on setting up the new system and cameras. Less guards outside. Everyone will be busy trying to re-secure the building," I say.

"I feel that plan has flaws," Nazario says. I snort while nodding my head.

"Yeah. it does. I was just talking shit. You aren't going to get into this building," I state. My brothers look at me with frustration.

"What is the point of you doing this?" Aurelio asked.

"To have fun. But seriously you can't get in. why do you need to get in so badly?" I asked.

"The Spanish mafia, one of our allies, their leaders are being held captive. If we get caught they will be killed. This isn't something to have fun with, Valeriana," Aurelio states with a sigh.

"Look I said you guys couldn't get in I didn't say nobody could," I say.

"Who?" Alvaro asked. I cross my arms over my chest.

"Halo, obviously," I state. My brothers immediately shake their heads.

"We aren't using your team. You're still healing," Nazario says. I roll my eyes before shrugging.

"Then you'll get them killed. My team and I have gone into places with heavier security than this and the only ones left standing were us. Feel free to continue this little brainstorming session and when you get tired let me know and I'll rally my team," I say before walking towards the door.

"We aren't letting you go in when you are injured," Santino says.

"I get my cast off tomorrow. It's already been a month. My wounds are healed. You act as if the wind blows too hard I'll break," I chuckle before walking out of the room. 

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