Chapter 12

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Valeriana's pov

My brothers' voices were heard in the kitchen. I got up late this morning since I forgot to set an alarm. I walk into the room. Valerico, Valentino, and Matteo stiffen. Aurelio, Zario, and Santino eye the three boys.

"Why did you stiffen when Valeriana walked in?" Santino asked.

"No reason," Valentino says quickly. I smirk at them before walking closer. I drop my hands onto his shoulders causing him to jump.

"Oh, it's ok boys. No need to lie," I say with a smile. I look at my older brothers. "I tased the fuck out of them yesterday for not having my back. They lied to you three. They knew I was going out the other night. They didn't have my back and now they have to watch their backs," I say. I pat Valentino's shoulders harshly. "Isn't that right, boys?" I asked.

The boys stayed silent as I took a seat. Santino slid a small fruit bowl over to me. I asked him earlier to make me one since I was running late and he was passing my room. I eat my fruit and stare my brothers down. They didn't move an inch the entire time. I narrow my eyes at them as I finish my food. I stood up causing their heads to snap in my direction. I walk around the table behind my older brothers. Valerico, Valentino, and Matteo's eyes follow me. I take care of my dishes before walking into the dining room again.

"I'll see you three at school," I smirk before walking out.


"You gave me an f," I said to the teacher. She looked up, her hazel eyes bore into mine.

"Yes, that's because your work wasn't the best. That grade is accurate, dear," Mrs. Patterson says. I narrow my eyes on her. I stormed out of the room. This must be the teacher who failed Matteo on his assignment. I'm going to the next English class. She was a nicer teacher. She was the teacher for the grade below me. Her class was empty since it was time for lunch.

"Excuse me Miss Wells. I have a small problem. I was wondering if you can help me?" I asked. She looked up and her eyes were pretty blue. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"You aren't a student of mine but I'm sure I can help," she says. I smile before walking closer to her.

"So I turned in my essay two days late. My teacher won't grade it since it is past the due date. Which is totally fine. But I was just curious if you could grade it so I know what grade it would have gotten if I turned it in on time. Can you check it over for me?" I asked. It was a lie about the whole thing being past due but she didn't need to know. She nods her head. "Thanks I owe you," I mutter while handing her my essay. It had the rubric on the back stapled to it. I know my grade is above an f so I had printed everything out to have another teacher check the work.

"Since I'm doing you a favor will you go to the cafeteria and ask for my lunch?" she asked.

"Of course, I said I owe you one, though this doesn't count since it is lunch time and you need to eat," I say before walking out of the room. When I get to the cafeteria I ask for Miss Wells' food. I was handed a container. I walk through the cafeteria.

"Where are you going?" Matteo asked. I stop next to his table.

"Miss Wells is doing me a favor. So I gotta get her lunch," I say.

"Miss Wells isn't a senior teacher... Well she is but for advanced senior English," Valerico says.

"Like I said she's doing me a favor," I shrug my shoulders.

"That woman, is like a fucking goddess," Lucian says. I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "What? I'm just saying she's fucking hot."

"I gotta go," I say before walking off. When I arrived back in Miss Wells class she was reading my essay intently. I set her container next to her and the plastic utensils on top of the container. I pull a chair up to her desk and sit on it backwards so I can lean into the back of the chair. My arms are resting on top of the back of the chair. My eyes scan her board. She was the teacher for detention today. After I was done looking at her board and seeing what she had planned for other classes I started scrolling through my phone. She worked and ate silently.

"Your work is incredible, you should be in my English class. Why aren't you?" Miss Wells asked. I look away from my phone.

"I didn't do my best work in my previous school so they just put me in similar classes I took there. I didn't like the teacher who taught the class so I did terrible work to be taken from the class. They thought I was placed in advanced English by accident and took me out of it," I chuckle.

"Well, how would you feel if I suggested to the principal that you take my class?" Miss Wells asked.

"I don't know. I think I'll be fine with the class I'm in," I mutter.

"Come on, you would like it. This work is worth being graded accurately. I know Mrs. Patterson has a thing against the Santorelli's. She doesn't grade your work accurately because of something that happened with one of your older siblings. Just between us she is an old hag. I'm a fairly new teacher, this is my second year teaching but Miss Patterson is a grudge holder. That I know from personal experience. She won't stop anytime soon. I'll just have to get a hold of your parents and try and convince you it's a good idea," Miss Wells states. I let out a laugh.

"Good luck with that. They are dead. I don't think they have a phone number in the afterlife, Miss. My guardian is pretty busy so I don't think he'll pick up," I say. Miss Wells narrowed her eyes. She gets onto her computer before typing away before she picks a phone up. My eyes widened when she put the phone up to her ear. I recognised the number she put in as Aurelio's. Please don't pick up. Please be busy. I hear a faint hello. I jumped up before rushing out of the room. Miss Wells chuckled at me. I heard her introduce herself before I was out of range to hear her. My butt slides onto the bench as I sit down at my brother's table. I crashed into Verena.

"That woman is a traitor!" I shout. I scoot away from Verena some since I was practically on her lap. "She does not get a favor from me anymore. How can one be so rude?" I mumble. My brothers and their friends look at me confused.

"Miss Wells was rude to you?" Valerico asked. I let out a sigh.

"No, but she called Aurelio!" I shout. My brothers raise an eyebrow at me. "Alright I'm really supposed to be in advanced English but slacked off at my old school so I would be put back in a regular class. So when Mrs. Patterson failed me on an essay that is beyond her class work I decided to get it checked by someone who isn't a fucking hag. Then Miss Wells was trying to convince me to switch to her class. I declined so she said she would call our parents to try and have them convince me. Which would be hard to do since they are dead. Then she calls Aurelio and now they are talking and I feel that should be illegal because I declined. How can you try to force that on someone... This is bullshit. That woman is on my list now. And she will stay there for the rest of her life! Ooh maybe not forever because how cute would she be with Aurelio?" I asked. My brothers laugh. I push myself up before walking away.

"Where are you going now?" Valerico asked.

"I'm scheming, leave me to it!" I shout back.

"Woah, if this is about laurelio, count us in!" Valentino shouts. I turn back around and sit back down.

"I already have a plan and you are lucky I need your help or else I would have walked away," I say.

"You already have a plan?" Matteo asked. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Of course I do. I still owe the woman a favor. So we fuck with her car. I'll casually be there to try and make it her idea to call in her favor so I give her a ride home. But then one of you have to call with an emergency causing me to make a pit stop at home. Aurelio has to be there. I will then be busy with whatever the so-called emergency is, then Aurelio will have to drive her home since she'll be stranded at our house with no way home. This is just the start of it. Then a different day we could-"

"Woah, you have a plan for more than one encounter?" Lucian asked. I look at him with a smile.

"Obviously, do you think I only had time for one?" I asked. They all stare at me.

"You walked away for barely twenty seconds, so yeah?" Verena asked. I stare at her.

"If I had a taser right now," I say. Verena scooted away from me, causing me to smile.

"How are we going to mess with her car without getting caught?" Valerico asked.

"Are you guys ready to do it now?" I asked.

They all look around at each other before nodding. I smile before standing up with a smirk. 

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