Chapter 51

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Valeriana's pov

After the visit with the doctor Aurelio drove us home. I get out of the car and head inside. Verena follows me inside silently. Verena lets out a yawn as she climbs the stairs. I follow behind her. My eyes focused on the ground. We get to my room. Verena lays down before opening her arms for me. I look at her for a second before carefully crawling into bed. 

Verena wrapped her arm around me lightly. Her front barely pressed against my back. She kissed my cheek as I closed my eyes. As I start to relax and drift off to sleep I jolt awake. My eyes float around the room. An uneasy feeling set in me as I couldn't make anything out in the room. I jump out of bed and head to the bathroom. I flick the light on causing my room to be illuminated slightly. I can see everything in the room.

I rushed back to the bed and laid down next to Verena. She wrapped me in her arms again. This time I fell asleep without jerking awake.

My body sensed a shift in the room causing me to wake up. I listen carefully to everything. My eyes open. Janessa's eyes were peering over the bed at me. Her eyes barely went over the bed. My eyebrows furrowed as I glanced at the time. It was noon. Why was she watching me while I was sleeping? That's fucking creepy. Janessa pulled herself onto the bed. She struggled a bit before she got it.

Janessa made herself comfortable next to me. She had a package of cookies in her hands. She held them out for me to open the package. I sit up, causing Verena's arm to fall around my hips. Her arm tightened slightly before loosening. After opening the package of cookies I hand them to Janessa.

Janessa eats a cookie. She finished her current cookie before sliding off the bed and grabbing the package before running out of the room and towards hers. I roll my eyes at her. She could have anyone in the house open that but she chose the one person who wasn't awake.

"I would have been pissed if she did that to me. You didn't even get a cookie for your trouble," Verena mumbled. I look at her with a smile.

"If she was older I would have shoved her out of the bed and not returned the cookies to her... Too bad she's only two," I state. Verena chuckles while sitting up.

"Are you showering this morning?" Verena asked before quickly adding, "Not saying that you stink. You actually smell pretty damn good. You do live with all male family members and I doubt they are helping you in the shower or washing your hair. Since I am here I will gladly help you," Verena says. I smile at her.

"Shit, I wasn't planning on it but now I am. Also this is a reason to see you naked again," I say while getting up from the bed and pulling Verena with me. She laughs lightly before following me into the bathroom. She locks the door behind her. After wrapping my cast in plastic we get into the shower.


Verena went down for lunch after she got dressed. I didn't feel like going down when she did. I didn't want them to ask about last night. Then I would tell them what happened and I don't think Trey should hear about how his father forced me to kiss him.

My stomach growled causing me to look down at my stomach. My wounds stared back at me. With a sigh I look up while getting out of bed and heading downstairs. I could hear everyone talking in the dining room. When I walk in they all greet me.

"I made you a fruit bowl for you, it's in the fridge," Santino says. I nod my head.

"I'm not hungry," I state before sighing. "That's a lie, I just don't feel like eating."

"Valeriana," Verena says. She didn't need to say anything else for me to understand to eat with her. I groan before going to the fridge and grabbing the fruit before getting a fork and walking over to the empty chair next to Verena. I take a seat before staring at my fruit. Verena placed her hand on my thigh. Her thumb rubbed my leg soothingly. I finally shove fruit into my mouth and chew it before swallowing.

"Papà and I talked, if you feel like you are ready to start school Monday again you can go. Trey will be starting school tomorrow whether you go or not," Aurelio says.

"I'm going," I state while looking at Aurelio he nods his head.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Nazario asked. I glare at him. He will not ruin this for me. "Look, I just mean the last time you went back to school was after you got shot, you broke the principal's nose before school even started," Nazario explained. I gave him a look when Aurelio thought about what he said.

"I'm putting a fucking snake in your bed if he takes back what he said," I state. Nazario glared at me.

"I'm not even afraid of snakes," Nazario muters. I smirk at him.

"You don't have to be afraid of snakes to be afraid of a poisonous snake," I state. Zario rolled his eyes.

"Where would you get a poisonous snake?" Valentino asked. I look at him.

"I know a guy," I shrug. Valentino raised an eyebrow. "I tortured a guy with a variety of snakes and I still have the supplier's number."

"Anyways, you gotta stay out of trouble V," Aurelio says. I roll my eyes.

"It's not my fault Mrs. Allen and that bitch of hers is on the top of my list. They practically ask for it," I say while eating more fruit.

"Valeriana," Aurelio warned. I cross my arms over my chest.

"Alright, fine. I'll try my hardest not to get into trouble. I am a magnet for trouble," I sigh. We all finished lunch. 

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