Chapter 28

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Valeriana's pov

After everything was handled Aurelio had his guys clean up the bodies. The car ride was silent. He wouldn't let me ride with Zario or Tino. When we get home I rush inside. I froze when the boys and their friends were on the couch.

"Valeriana!" Aurelio shouted when he entered the house. "Hand them over!" he shouts. Valerico, Valentino, and Matteo look at me with wide eyes. Lucian and Verena shrink into the couch. Aurelio was furious. You could hear it in his voice.

"This is bullshit!" I shout before I start to pile all my weapons onto the coffee table.

"You left without telling anyone where you went. We have this rule to ensure we can get to you if something happens. Then to find out you work alongside the American's! What the hell were you thinking coming tonight. To be a back up plan for them? You could have been killed. We were in a fucking shoot out with- well I don't even fucking know at this moment. That was a high attack exchange because of what was being exchanged! You shouldn't have been anywhere near that place. That was fucking reckless. Why do you think the boys are sitting on this damn couch right now?" Aurelio shouted. Before he could start yelling again I started walking towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe I should go to bed. You know it's pretty damn tiring saving everyone's ass all the time. Do you think I would be a fucking mafia's whole back up plan if I wasn't good at what the fuck I do? Damn Aurelio. I fucking saved all three of your asses tonight. Because whether you know it or not. There was someone pointing their damn gun at your head at least twice tonight. All three of your damn asses."

"Look, I'll gladly take a punishment. I didn't know I was going there tonight. Trey called and said it was urgent I got briefed as everyone was getting loaded up and leaving. I wasn't even informed on every damn thing because Chirs and Trey knew I would not have gone if I knew you were there. Yes It was dangerous and I will not be taking any more side jobs because they betrayed my trust in not informing me on everything. Like telling me who they were getting weapons from and whatever the hell was in that last crate. I know damn well the group tonight were not there for the fucking weapons. I honestly don't care what I just put my life in danger for at the moment. I just want to take care of my wound, shower and go to sleep," I say.

"I don't need to listen to you yell at me and tell me how dangerous it was being there tonight. I know it was also another reason Chris didn't tell me exactly what he was getting and how dangerous it was going to be. Intercepting the interceptors during an exchange is what I do. But tonight was the first time I slipped up because I thought it was a simple gun exchange. That was on me for thinking it was an amateur group. They were skilled enough to show weakness to imitate a new group but they were more skilled than I thought," I mutter.

"Why are you shaking?" Verena asked, sitting up. I look down at my hands. They were shaking.

"I held a grenade in my hand tonight. My reflexes had me catching it out of the air. Two seconds after I threw it back to them it blew up. I was also shot, the adrenaline is wearing off and I'm starting to feel the pain," I say while wincing as I lift my shirt. As I look down at my side. Blood was oozing from the wound. My vision starts to fade. "Also... doctor," I managed to get out before I passed out completely.

Aurelio's pov

Valeriana's eyes rolled before her eyes closed. Before her body could hit the ground Verena caught her. The boys jumped up. They were all shouting.

"Zario, get her in the car and get her to the hospital. Verena, put pressure on the wound until you get there. We will meet you there," I demanded. Verena picks Valeriana up before rushing out of the house with Nazario.

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