Chapter 25

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Valeriana's pov

It was Saturday morning. Yesterday I didn't feel like inviting my friends over to join Verena and I. we were just having fun between us two. I also didn't want to share Verena's attention. This morning I invited Sophie and Jaylin to stay tonight. I know we have school tomorrow but it will be fine. So Sophie and Jaylin should be here any minute now.

Yesterday Verena and I took Wiggles back to Miss Wells. He was excited to see her. The doorbell rang causing me to rush towards the door. I pull it open and Sophie and Jaylin walk in. I shut the door behind them.

"Aye, little love, your phone keeps ringing," Verena says while jogging down the stairs with my phone. It wasn't ringing now but as I took the phone it rang again. My heart stops at the caller I.D. I stare at my phone, my breathing getting heavy. "Are you ok?" Verena asked. I nod my head.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine," I say.

"I'm starting to think you're not," Jaylin says. I take a breath before answering the phone and putting it to my ear. I bite my lower lip.

"Valeriana, I hope you weren't busy. I wouldn't have called this many times if it wasn't important," Jake says. Jake was my ex-girlfriend's dad. The day we broke up she got into an accident and slipped into a coma. That was a year and a half ago. Brielle's parents told me to stop coming to the hospital because it was hard on them seeing me and their daughter was not awake. So I stayed away. I didn't want to cause them any more trouble.

"Um... Yeah, no, I wasn't busy. My phone was in the room. Sorry... uh you can start talking now Mr. Mercer because if you don't then I will continue to talk and not be able to let you get a word in and then you won't be able to tell me why you called and see I'm still talking. I can't stop you should really cut in now, Mr. Mercer. You're scaring me, why are you not talking?" I asked. Before I could begin talking again he spoke.

"I can tell you still care for my daughter, Valeriana. I am glad to say she woke up. Around a week ago to be exact. She's ok now, dear. I didn't call you at first because she couldn't remember anything. Not even my wife and I. This morning she woke up and demanded I call you. She remembers everything now. Which is a relief. She wants to see you. You get an hour to visit," he says. I take a breath of relief.

"She's ok? Yeah, um. I'll see you soon, Mr. Mercer," I say before hanging up. I stare down at my phone. Brielle is ok. She didn't die. I quickly call Trey.

"Hey, what's up?' he asked.

"Did you know Brielle woke up?" I asked. He makes a noise on the other end.

"Yes. Jake called me the day she woke up. Monroe and I have visited her. Her parents thought it would help her memory come back. Did he just now call you?" Trey asked. I run a hand down my face.

"Yes, I told you they wanted me to stay away. Why the hell would they call me? She remembers Trey. I get an hour," I say.

"Are you going to go and see her? You guys broke up the day of her accident. Are you sure that's a good idea?" Trey asked.

"It's probably not but she was demanding Jake call me. It's only for an hour then I'm gone," I say.

"Alright be careful," he says.

"I will, bye," I hung up before looking at my friends. "Change of plans. I gotta go back to my hometown. It's an hour drive but if you guys are up for it you are more than welcome to come. It will only be an hour and then we can find something to do there before we come back here," I say.

"Let's go," Sophie says. Jaylin and Sophie both set their bags by the door before walking out of the door. I look at Verena. She smiles at me.

"Those are some good friends," she says. Before grabbing my hand and pulling me from the house.

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